Tournament - 1v1 Tier X Friday Night 10PM CDT - N°1

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: May 03, 2024; Accepted Teams: 74 (Total: 77)
Map: Himmelsdorf
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: May 03, 2024
Average WN8: 1,603
Total: 74
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
VovaUkrainian [STAKD] ????
32,908 67% 4,330
Dotar_Soyat [X-7] Barsoom
36,814 58% 4,278
Toxic_Sea_Man [HUMO] Sea_Man
7,245 64% 3,842
10,443 54% 3,417
tigerajk [RS] deez nutz
88,594 60% 3,270
bean_pegasus [HYPED] beanballs
47,166 57% 3,149
67,740 58% 3,045
Aegyptis [DIOS] Churro
8,090 60% 2,933
Starick [CRAKD] Stars
69,461 59% 2,737
Puggamerp [DRK] Enter Team Name
19,752 52% 2,654
guadalupe_cuenta gu4d4_galv4n
2,371 47% 2,631
Shadow__xXx [X-7] ___x_X
47,602 60% 2,563
47Folds Beautiful Folds
2,115 59% 2,433
Brohammer [GROOT] hehxdd
52,236 56% 2,383
InfiniteSingularity [FNWG] Munchken
72,107 56% 2,268
jackal126 [NUFFS] The cooch punchers
51,468 55% 2,219
ArtyPhobic [IFM] Meow
27,649 54% 2,190
Y2rty [CRED] Y2rty
7,797 52% 2,111
MaxiTheToxic [S-A-R] FU-FU
8,437 54% 2,109
Danysan04 [ZV44] E100
11,123 51% 2,106
_Frost__ [_SL_] Mythical
3,540 54% 2,081
AsTiger117 [OFM-] Super Freaks
31,021 55% 1,981
DestroiGumms [COTER] DestroiGumms
12,955 50% 1,980
Argento003 [-SISK] coco
7,328 56% 1,915
Tiger_SOBR [OXYGN] War Tiger
90,735 57% 1,913
snake_case [FINES] sdaf
21,651 54% 1,911
KamiCosa [CHORI] KV-2
34,401 53% 1,848
KalaChasma [ENCOM] kalachasma1
29,262 51% 1,751
czekaski105mm alvatroz
60,159 54% 1,695
ernestotriana [AR_TI] kubanoloko
30,007 50% 1,635
Solo_Andy [X-7] Los negros
36,193 52% 1,632
amerikos [MAZUT] ruonruonruonruonruon
37,631 53% 1,612
uri_100 [WISE] El manco
17,871 51% 1,610
GeneralTrogdor [4HIM2] TROGDOOOOR
15,084 53% 1,591
Luciano_926 [PANA] Pasion
6,220 48% 1,576
Yui_uwu_ [X-7] Yui OwO
780 62% 1,475
_N0_MERCY_ [BANDS] pinshi
32,084 50% 1,470
Tinchoxxx [_BST_] dejameganarortiba
81,452 51% 1,458
Jandle [OXIDE] EZ!123
16,487 51% 1,438
lokosom_original_2015 [C0BR4] LokoGamesPRG
18,248 49% 1,375
UnLuckyCharmZ [HYPNO] aaaaa
13,901 51% 1,341
Ganzoo_mgl [-HERO] Ganzo
26,502 49% 1,321
MrDMac [A-L-V] One piece
8,528 51% 1,240
CanOfMug [RIBIT] CanOfMug
1,788 50% 1,231
8,138 48% 1,217
xxx_OttoMarino_xxx [_MAU_] xXOttoRocketXx
11,163 49% 1,208
Don_Paqui Paqui_Team
83,118 45% 1,193
kaszas009 [HUBA] Night Game
35,182 49% 1,165
Golden_Razgriz_BR [-TS] canalha
2,106 48% 1,121
tankitytanktank3 [BTU-A] ttt3
86,340 48% 1,077
Total: 74

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