Credit Boost Statistics [CRED]

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Average Win Rate
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Total Battles


Total: 25
Nick Name Battles Win Rate WN8 Recent Win Rate Recent WN8 Last Battle
Bamf_Kyb0 [CRED] 5,300 60% 4,266 60% 4,266 June 13, 2024 @ 12:05 pm
EL_ISSUEZ [CRED] 41,917 64% 2,947 53% 2,159 July 24, 2024 @ 9:13 pm
Panzergraf [CRED] 34,371 58% 2,665 62% 3,986 July 11, 2024 @ 9:48 pm
Promaniac [CRED] 19,812 58% 2,544 54% 1,315 July 03, 2024 @ 1:54 am
Umka [CRED] 41,747 58% 2,422 54% 1,365 July 23, 2024 @ 7:42 pm
Bromaniac [CRED] 16,079 58% 2,402 58% 1,528 July 21, 2024 @ 9:22 am
Fektrix [CRED] 27,447 54% 2,139 59% 3,314 June 18, 2024 @ 9:25 pm
mexican3dynamite [CRED] 33,100 53% 2,034 53% 2,909 July 20, 2024 @ 12:41 pm
2bill [CRED] 39,155 54% 1,986 58% 2,231 July 18, 2024 @ 12:14 am
Stats_Dont_Matter__O_OII [CRED] 30,629 54% 1,970 60% 2,440 July 02, 2024 @ 5:13 am
deathpre11 [CRED] 20,667 53% 1,963 60% 2,560 May 16, 2024 @ 11:30 pm
PapaDig [CRED] 21,316 58% 1,911 52% 788 July 01, 2024 @ 9:02 pm
Massacre_Zinqx [CRED] 23,787 55% 1,882 55% 1,882 July 21, 2024 @ 10:53 pm
diet103 [CRED] 28,095 51% 1,788 54% 1,675 July 24, 2024 @ 11:18 pm
BluedragonGaming [CRED] 6,691 52% 1,783 58% 3,206 July 19, 2024 @ 12:55 pm
Zelnoraak [CRED] 24,499 53% 1,571 53% 1,047 June 22, 2024 @ 8:23 pm
razorius [CRED] 16,529 51% 1,300 57% 2,365 June 26, 2024 @ 10:03 pm
LostRealist [CRED] 14,195 50% 1,299 52% 1,458 July 21, 2024 @ 12:44 am
RuhnAweh [CRED] 8,758 53% 1,287 53% 1,287 June 23, 2024 @ 4:42 pm
GaboZod [CRED] 4,861 51% 1,172 54% 1,228 July 24, 2024 @ 10:26 pm
samuelson_tom [CRED] 116,963 50% 1,162 50% 1,162 July 22, 2024 @ 1:49 am
victimofeve [CRED] 29,203 48% 1,149 49% 1,404 July 16, 2024 @ 9:13 am
Eztkil [CRED] 40,407 48% 1,011 61% 310 July 01, 2024 @ 9:58 pm
Moose_Sausage [CRED] 44,500 48% 881 48% 881 June 07, 2024 @ 11:28 am
kekaha [CRED] 28,202 47% 677 49% 812 July 25, 2024 @ 10:41 am
Total: 25

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