Armored Titans Statistics [AR_TI]

WG clan page
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Average WN8
Recent WN8
Average Win Rate
Average Battles
Total Battles


Total: 16
Nick Name Battles Win Rate WN8 Recent Win Rate Recent WN8 Last Battle
tanque201 [AR_TI] 40,208 52% 1,577 52% 1,577 July 17, 2024 @ 12:55 am
_Golipan_ [AR_TI] 20,214 51% 1,512 51% 1,512 June 27, 2024 @ 11:00 pm
Kagasaurus [AR_TI] 14,057 47% 1,209 49% 1,942 November 09, 2023 @ 5:22 pm
BWolf403 [AR_TI] 11,413 49% 1,172 49% 1,917 July 06, 2024 @ 6:34 pm
iron_heart_hero [AR_TI] 3,580 49% 1,033 49% 1,033 October 02, 2023 @ 4:06 pm
BlackFisho [AR_TI] 8,525 47% 975 47% 975 March 23, 2024 @ 1:17 pm
BL4CKL1ST1 [AR_TI] 7,271 46% 907 49% 430 July 16, 2024 @ 3:30 pm
Aysel_Marrero [AR_TI] 9,606 48% 906 48% 770 June 12, 2024 @ 11:00 am
Jose_raul_Cuba [AR_TI] 6,722 46% 880 46% 880 September 29, 2023 @ 12:02 am
QUIQO [AR_TI] 6,417 47% 733 47% 437 December 03, 2023 @ 2:29 pm
BlackNews [AR_TI] 5,295 46% 686 46% 686 March 11, 2024 @ 11:10 pm
YMFCUBA [AR_TI] 10,612 47% 686 47% 686 August 06, 2023 @ 4:25 am
Calbera_2020 [AR_TI] 5,113 47% 556 47% 556 July 23, 2024 @ 5:00 pm
luismk89 [AR_TI] 11,518 44% 553 45% 566 August 22, 2023 @ 9:45 pm
Soichi89 [AR_TI] 3,228 44% 474 44% 474 January 09, 2024 @ 12:41 am
jorgellopez [AR_TI] 3,234 45% 463 45% 463 July 20, 2024 @ 2:39 pm
Total: 16

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