Tournament - LATE STAND-TO 3.3.16 - 1V1 ME!

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: March 03, 2016; Accepted Teams: 336 (Total: 336)
Map: Mittengard
Battle Mode: Standard
Start: March 03, 2016
Average WN8: 1,248
Total: 336
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Sp00kyScarySkeleton [VILIN] Sp00kster
6,762 65% 3,799
lemming_______chatoff [BULBA] LemmingRush
11,031 61% 3,241
DontH8aReRoll_ [SEALC] SealC party of 1
104 71% 3,002
161 72% 2,875
tooto [CHAI] tooto
16,835 61% 2,859
ChaiSniper_JessicaElbow_ [REKT] the big bang
824 64% 2,818
_Squts_ [CHILL] squts
398 70% 2,800
Haarmless [MAHOU] Just another guy
16,461 59% 2,767
JoaooFerrari [__M__] !Delirius
5,853 64% 2,655
Chillsau Goon Ruins Everythin
24,258 64% 2,637
xX_Blue_Mini_Xx [BULBA] #BlameBlue
18,069 59% 2,606
LegendaryStunJR I RUN THIS
6,487 58% 2,591
_Zero_Suit_Sheik_ [BULBA] 1v1 Son
17,971 60% 2,582
Flawfulgamer [APLUS] Flaw is Gosu
3,742 59% 2,572
someguy124 PM Kapten M60 codes
26,541 57% 2,568
Emperor3_1415 [COS] TheTrueEmperor
39,563 56% 2,540
2,643 59% 2,502
Primelaw Goons ruin everythin
18,542 62% 2,474
CptBastidas [REALS] !!✮✮[NOOOB]✮✮!!
4,514 57% 2,440
HomieG14 [EMPRR] hotlinebling
12,672 55% 2,431
MagnetoPanda Enter team name
34,425 57% 2,381
22,857 57% 2,381
_HashTag_ #winz
9,918 58% 2,371
WhiteRackHunter [CLAWS] BroncBuster
11,631 59% 2,352
Coftron [PIR8] #Sleptin
23,036 57% 2,335
I__l [CRIMZ] TheR4p3Hous3
278 59% 2,289
RobotRata [-SMB-] robot a la rata
808 61% 2,277
SgtMCrhis [REALS] !NOobiebaby!
11,978 57% 2,260
Dogzman [BE] Technical Victory!
23,154 60% 2,254
JayZ536 [M0] Mo Money Mo Problems
30,135 58% 2,190
Loku_MyslymShyri [CRIMZ] Albanian Mafua
754 59% 2,179
Jahnailton_Keder [HMBR] DRACULA
23,337 55% 2,167
StrokerMcGavin [NDP] 1 vs scum
39,916 55% 2,141
GoodandPlenty_2 [GSKUL] INeedmorethen20Chara
18,963 57% 2,130
_ButterToast_ [AR-PA] Das Booty
6,114 55% 2,086
General_Pancho [ORDER] Iguana Play
38,662 57% 2,086
Panzerkinjerkin [M0] F for Prufflies
43,830 56% 2,065
emuworld [NARWL] Emus
18,542 60% 2,022
emagdnim Everyones MAGnet
4,125 55% 2,017
Daddy_Simba [AVALN] Big Daddy
27,606 57% 1,997
Ch0pSuey [FUZN] Totallychop
12,893 56% 1,992
SexySaxBeast [CHILL] 50 Shades of CHILL
2,314 58% 1,990
Ecko12 [APLUS] Dynamic-Gamplay
13,087 54% 1,972
Deathlast [__M__] The Banana
2,096 58% 1,959
2,328 58% 1,958
BuGYPipez [STAKD] Kapten has m60 codes
10,815 55% 1,936
LeeHokage [XPX] Team Rocket
19,001 54% 1,906
almz777 [NEWBI] 1113
26,593 55% 1,896
Runsawaybravely [CHILL] Runsawaybravely
17,193 54% 1,871
Doomer727 [RDDT] Doomer727
13,333 55% 1,867
Total: 336

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