Criminalz Statistics [CRIMZ]

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Average WN8
Recent WN8
Average Win Rate
Average Battles
Total Battles


Total: 19
Nick Name Battles Win Rate WN8 Recent Win Rate Recent WN8 Last Battle
Spotty11 [CRIMZ] 50,220 53% 1,694 50% 1,499 July 16, 2024 @ 1:28 am
atlin [CRIMZ] 53,060 51% 1,470 47% 1,297 March 17, 2024 @ 9:57 pm
MeTHodMaN_ [CRIMZ] 807 50% 1,286 46% 1,135 February 02, 2022 @ 8:52 pm
maidenrocks [CRIMZ] 44,825 50% 1,282 50% 1,282 July 25, 2024 @ 11:12 pm
MadMcDermott332 [CRIMZ] 36,786 50% 1,190 50% 1,190 August 04, 2023 @ 11:00 pm
EEdward [CRIMZ] 43,102 50% 1,141 51% 927 July 22, 2024 @ 8:09 pm
Civilian_Advisor [CRIMZ] 35,061 51% 1,138 55% 1,298 July 06, 2024 @ 11:24 am
MysteriousRJC [CRIMZ] 42,028 48% 1,125 48% 1,125 July 25, 2024 @ 10:11 am
TurtleGTG [CRIMZ] 18,713 50% 1,113 50% 1,113 July 11, 2024 @ 4:03 pm
dooner30 [CRIMZ] 44,394 50% 1,034 51% 1,054 July 14, 2024 @ 6:13 pm
Hammer_Tim3 [CRIMZ] 39,674 49% 1,008 49% 1,008 October 23, 2022 @ 2:54 pm
DarthJavin [CRIMZ] 13,243 49% 979 49% 979 May 17, 2024 @ 2:24 pm
Curtis_Mustain [CRIMZ] 52,355 47% 967 47% 989 July 11, 2024 @ 9:56 pm
Kerosedge [CRIMZ] 26,011 50% 937 48% 648 May 04, 2024 @ 8:14 pm
GetCleatsBuddyBoy [CRIMZ] 29,451 48% 899 46% 732 April 29, 2024 @ 9:05 pm
dlutz714 [CRIMZ] 48,430 49% 856 47% 561 July 25, 2024 @ 12:07 am
its_wabbit_season [CRIMZ] 105,601 48% 773 48% 789 July 25, 2024 @ 2:15 am
TheWoods [CRIMZ] 56,958 47% 764 46% 481 July 13, 2024 @ 6:29 pm
crypticizm [CRIMZ] 5,934 46% 615 46% 615 April 14, 2024 @ 11:01 pm
Total: 19

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