Tournament - 2v2: South American Open

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: March 31, 2021; Accepted Teams: 122 (Total: 175)
Map: Karelia
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: March 31, 2021
Average WN8: 1,341
Total: 244
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Buy_Hands [DIOS] Churro 2x2
855 61% 4,696
Bergrisar_ [NUFFS] JoBer
4,533 61% 3,608
Destroyer133_2016 [YAROU] Batman y el Bromas
25,581 61% 3,307
ummm_judo Duane256
1,196 57% 3,010
soji_hikawa [SOJI] SOJI
8,325 74% 2,984
The_Panzer_End [T_END] EquipoThe_End
219 63% 2,860
andaalacancha_bobo [-B-M-] tu_hermana
2,271 58% 2,779
Inkv3_Gaming Sp-Lou-Ink-shhhhh
46,162 58% 2,750
Shadow__xXx [MAHOU] _xXx_
47,107 60% 2,731
TrueFace [IMSS] tu_hermana
4,428 58% 2,690
KAST477 [-TRD-] 12345678910
5,547 61% 2,667
II_Code_II [RAIZ] The End
1,596 56% 2,654
JakoGayFur5Head_x3 [FURST] I'm gay
1,107 58% 2,652
baron_rojo_24 [-TRD-] 12345678910
14,809 58% 2,644
LittlexxxxPigxxxx [GRIMY] Pigteam
49,402 62% 2,602
Sygogglen [PLAIN] ___A team
230 58% 2,578
SpliterFoxHound [FURST] I'm gay
44,567 57% 2,487
The_Ecchi_Criminal [TEACH] G4R3L4
7,036 56% 2,423
WindGhost97 [-IPA-] _xXx_
41,014 55% 2,409
sar_warrior_1 [LEEX] LEEX O NO LEEX 2
2,421 52% 2,318
cloudwalkr [-G-] NaCl
57,720 60% 2,289
BlackSwan [RDDT] ‮‮‮‮‮‮‮
50,096 55% 2,275
Crazy_Horse84 [S-A-B] 😎15th S-A-B😎
5,035 55% 2,241
PatoThe [SAS-] WOT - Play For Free
17,124 54% 2,191
InfiniteSingularity [FNWG] Cannon Fodder
59,785 55% 2,185
igorob [RAIZ] PB Economics!
15,563 54% 2,178
__WarChild__ [OPIC] Alpha Group
43,875 58% 2,135
Caveman1234 [OPIC] Pigteam
99,883 54% 2,113
_For_THE_Horde_ [-HERO] SkyPieRceR_MonGoL
6,518 53% 2,089
yasine007 [ORDER] yolo for win
80,748 54% 2,072
KonigRasnake [SGLE] pepeg squad
35,003 57% 2,056
NeboCema [C-I-S] KRZR
35,697 56% 2,019
KrazeeRussian [C-I-S] KRZR
37,855 56% 2,014
Sit_on_Mika_Bezona [IMSS] JoBer
8,250 56% 2,011
Bleakill [SGLE] pepeg squad
21,565 61% 2,002
Tiger_SOBR [C-I-S] Alpha Group
73,916 57% 1,972
R2D2CAT [HOMI] neverbeforeseenmap
15,663 53% 1,947
AsTiger117 Que vivan las Lolis!
23,667 54% 1,935
CarlosTerminatorXX7 [GLHF] TOG Platoon
42,459 54% 1,932
wot_romi vikingo
3,981 48% 1,921
elcasador_01 [CABA] Estupidos
7,464 51% 1,876
Silent_Tempest [L3GND] Not Going Hiking. :(
29,197 54% 1,857
LeoMullins [_2D2_] somos pollo
28,043 52% 1,838
RanCamionero [MLC] _Escuadra_
36,511 54% 1,834
Kytato [L3GND] Not Going Hiking. :(
30,885 54% 1,830
MoonHwaRyu [RDDT] The cooch punchers
24,981 54% 1,803
PizzaCerveza [-TY-] somos pollo
4,802 52% 1,794
sector7ge BomdiolaTeam
27,550 54% 1,786
N4jdovski [S-A-B] 😎15th S-A-B😎
31,254 53% 1,771
Enragd [REL-A] Bird gang
10,744 53% 1,751
Total: 244

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