Tournament - 2v2: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: February 05, 2021; Accepted Teams: 188 (Total: 248)
Map: Ruinberg
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: February 05, 2021
Average WN8: 1,436
Total: 379
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
__Bubbles_ [GOONZ] VEGA
2,002 64% 3,924
ALEX_STEEL_WARRIOR777 [C-I-S] Ыыыыыыыыыыыыы
4,670 62% 3,882
snO_Opy_1 [HACK1] VEGA
2,787 60% 3,773
MIKHMI [MAXH0] Russian_M_bear
5,678 58% 3,405
Mint_xD [-BYC-] ByChance
1,495 61% 3,173
Steel_Tiger_ Rng_is_not_luck
13,848 59% 3,115
PlayFight [FYSTN] Eshkere
4,400 59% 3,077
raha_evgen [KOZAK] KOZAK
14,118 58% 3,034
italien5804 [BBI] body
19,438 56% 3,015
Fishy________AimMagician [CZ4R] CAB_ontop
11,113 59% 2,972
OriginalEasy [-G-] rep monkeh yungblood
22,048 60% 2,972
TastyPastry [-G-] yoloswag420
33,979 59% 2,965
Newton_50 [_2D2_] Los Gatos Sucios
13,883 59% 2,843
_C_70XIC_7w7_ Los ProMancos
4,615 60% 2,826
Inkv3_Gaming Sooooo looooong
45,872 58% 2,747
Shadow__xXx [MAHOU] _xXx_
47,073 60% 2,730
_Yuri_Boyka [QUAKD] phasd
37,307 58% 2,704
Starick [RES3T] ....
61,923 58% 2,695
RocKnFly [G-B] Tiktok fans
47,647 60% 2,695
Abimadiel [_2D2_] new__
3,775 56% 2,681
RevoElef_SAO_Rabbit [NEWBI] Meatball BEAM
56,003 61% 2,582
_Chill_a_Kill_ [NERV] Yolo
9,501 55% 2,573
Ludus_ [HACK1] why even try
14,991 59% 2,564
Astrako [NERV] 瞎几把搞
14,055 58% 2,557
Nate_DaChieftainlesSnake [4ORCE] HarmZ - C Team
6,475 56% 2,544
Demonic671 [CRAKD] yoloswag420
26,119 58% 2,504
RedBullba [C-I-S] Good day to smoke
43,597 57% 2,472
ThaxII Rng_is_not_luck
39,927 57% 2,461
Brunodmg_1 [1-DBB] Byruleyby DUO
5,231 58% 2,454
Incongnito [DREAM] Dweam Cweam
21,696 57% 2,424
RoyalGreenPC [YOUJO] The Last Tank Bender
26,654 57% 2,422
__THE_WAR_MACHINE__ [4ORCE] Your Pace or Mine?
30,429 60% 2,414
WindGhost97 [4-K] _xXx_
40,153 55% 2,366
LeMarks [-G-] Tiktok fans
26,577 59% 2,356
shaneholl [RELIC] Pray to RNG
24,314 58% 2,315
Mike_and_ike [HACK1] why even try
16,105 60% 2,306
AlejitoCoL [4-K] Los Banbinis XD
35,175 57% 2,275
UwU_God_BeigeyBoi [HEATT] Sadge :(
22,902 58% 2,274
DAN1EL Botos
33,873 56% 2,258
SahintheFalcon [N0VA_] Sahin
51,183 61% 2,251
BlackSwan [RDDT] Nooobs
48,076 55% 2,232
ReapsOfTanks [JUDG] Arty_Prevents_Campin
11,818 58% 2,232
60,929 56% 2,229
ExtremeMaster001 KAKAKA
5,770 57% 2,225
_Jack_Sparr0w_ [L4ST] Conejitos
24,772 55% 2,201
8_T_1 [DREAM] Dweam Cweam
16,316 59% 2,191
yk151 [BOND] Swords of Crota
51,823 55% 2,186
CobosXel_Ha [BOWSR] Casi Guapos
59,203 56% 2,169
John_Metal_ [X-7] Charmin Ultra Soft
28,896 55% 2,168
_Its_Time_Of_PewPew__0_0 [MVPS] No se
4,644 56% 2,167
Total: 379

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