Tournament - 2v2: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: February 05, 2021; Accepted Teams: 188 (Total: 248)
Map: Ruinberg
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: February 05, 2021
Average WN8: 1,436
Total: 379
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Padazzer1 [ALL] Ethics Committee
43,967 47% 663
Michael_McCormick [BBCLB] You didnt SEE ME
58,648 47% 662
14,060 46% 661
Bigjohn438 [R794] FA-FO-1
17,354 46% 656
thonydjbr [C0BR4] Batalhão D Blindados
44,913 46% 655
Tlb17 [V-GTA] Fochs team
7,126 47% 652
TheIllestxl [P-N] mixed battlers
20,808 47% 647
ToPeira_AssaSina [TRIB2] Tribal
6,825 48% 646
mankind316 [THEFF] Warmen
20,378 45% 644
Leandro_Pio [CPF] Hhhhhj
34,743 46% 638
bobby1321 Whiff Season
7,570 48% 625
BoliverDragBalls [PTS1] capt hooks itch
83,802 44% 621
24,751 47% 619
Stormtrooper4_sniper [T_R_R] mixed battlers
41,476 47% 616
bunnyhunting4fun [R794] FA-FO-1
38,293 46% 615
Killer_Biker_71 [E-WAR] ElderWarriors
26,109 47% 604
25,050 46% 584
DreadTrax Ruinberg 2 X 2
30,949 48% 572
Leandro_Sanchez [EFE] 2tanques vs el mundo
2,627 43% 570
123BUB [A-L-W] You didnt SEE ME
27,253 46% 559
tuaregue [ANACO] anaC🐍Onda team 1
64,754 45% 546
Bigraider [DNUT] Big & OG
16,321 46% 543
Tankman2751 [CLASD] Friske
44,406 46% 508
Judio3 [LEEX] hunter killer
1,645 44% 506
OLIMPO_ [LEEX] sar_olimpo_warrior
14,216 45% 487
Safetyfox SauvignonBlancs
2,495 46% 473
Elindio_2019 [CB-EL] ( CB_EL)
15,197 44% 457
Captaiin_Anubis [PRDZ] -DBH-
8,575 44% 403
davis636 [VIDRA] Just Grindin'
608 45% 229
Total: 379

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