Tournament - 1v1: South American Open

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: November 29, 2021; Accepted Teams: 409 (Total: 415)
Map: Ruinberg
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: November 29, 2021
Average WN8: 1,375
Total: 409
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
johnny_be_bad [ALL] alliance1
76,395 49% 1,103
kokodrilosaurio [B--L] RenWon_96
51,456 51% 1,099
Ulisses1969 [LOKUS] Teste
28,515 46% 1,098
Marcos_Ryan_warrior [TRIPO] eu quero ouro
1,853 44% 1,096
hotrod6914 [O-VER] metlmercwearspanties
52,824 48% 1,088
DZ5343 [G_EX] gfdre8558
24,374 47% 1,084
xXGearDragonXx [A-L-V] 🐉DRAGON🐉
16,782 50% 1,084
Pantera86555 [UP-NA] Pantera UP-NA
8,560 46% 1,075
Sonny_2013 [YLIM] Sonny
37,628 48% 1,072
Tocino44 Alcohol
20,084 49% 1,067
duty13 [QNN] WeeDoo
13,120 50% 1,063
42,156 48% 1,063
lucho1428 [SKOOL] no juego
34,329 48% 1,061
MadGeezer [RENB2] O-Goldie
69,496 47% 1,060
57,622 47% 1,049
Kagasaurus [AR_TI] Kaga te mata
8,668 46% 1,041
51,025 49% 1,037
ramonps666 [KVERA] GabiMelo Action
9,556 46% 1,036
Alejandro_Parrilla [LEEX] Oasis
12,295 48% 1,035
misterex3000 [KVERA] Salamander
6,536 45% 1,034
tommychong [4FREE] 4free
78,853 50% 1,031
Nistru1 [RAI] Hokida
25,885 49% 1,028
srb18 [FUEGO] elonhundred
9,388 49% 1,027
mmaajjoo [YAROU] ███████
83,582 49% 1,021
pinklemonade42 [KANUK] pinklemons
23,408 50% 1,014
W_D_Guester [KVERA] kaver4
766 44% 1,008
gibgib [BTU-A] The Rat Patrol
46,878 49% 1,003
AzTomoz [PSYCO] oleya
30,225 48% 998
ripdreams_ gay v-2
2,135 47% 986
15,494 48% 982
spy343 [ANDG] n sei
5,116 46% 976
caspiansea [DPS] Ruinovsky
33,008 49% 972
Carluchin1 [DIVAS] carluchin el manco
33,261 48% 968
Conde_nado_1 [FBL] Fuego y Acero
22,754 46% 956
SmokingSnake1 [ANACO] Strappa il Ferro ⚔
20,231 47% 952
Jm_MH [OXY] Bankai
78,599 48% 952
XxanthonyxX [G_EX] G_EX
7,139 47% 952
JesusGonzalez12 [EDLM] J3-16
12,014 48% 948
MightyChevy ElesQueVenha
5,089 48% 947
Noel_Enrique_96 [-CLN-] Dont_HEAT_Me
4,792 48% 946
Arsepayne [-IGC-] PITA
22,360 49% 939
Markus_601 waffen
16,358 46% 939
MrPotatoEd [YRMUM] BigTankers
16,407 49% 935
Degosseur [UNATO] UNATO
111,240 49% 926
Eduars72 [FMC47] bcvbcvbc
17,153 48% 913
NutrientibusMeaGallus [4FREE] The Gothic Legion
27,533 49% 909
Man500_fighter [ALL] Man500
81,321 48% 903
tazman14 [P0UND] slayer
36,025 48% 900
kcrimxon [ONAS] leftraru
36,134 48% 899
Canadian_Warlord [-BTU-] I suck badly
84,950 49% 897
Total: 409

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