Tournament - 1v1: South American Open

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: November 29, 2021; Accepted Teams: 409 (Total: 415)
Map: Ruinberg
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: November 29, 2021
Average WN8: 1,375
Total: 409
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Falabre [WN] costuveux
79,166 51% 1,256
xBaurogx [_MIB_] My Eggs
24,574 50% 1,250
1,673 46% 1,244
Pepin_Lebref [JMSQC] Pepin_Lebref
12,416 52% 1,234
Ulises666 [WAF-E] Ulises
7,569 47% 1,232
Superpants [FINES] leaf blower revolutn
14,699 50% 1,231
_DeusVult [L-CUD] GordoMan
13,180 48% 1,228
blobert101 [212TH] 212th Attack Group
22,401 49% 1,224
gaijin_net [RDTT2] Steeler Virginity
13,059 50% 1,224
Xlr8er [TANC] Accel
47,332 51% 1,222
Haru_DarknesSllAnistenll [L4ST] Somos Kawaii
28,667 51% 1,211
Horizonnn [-HERO] Horr
18,940 49% 1,210
_La_Parca_ [WOTLA] The_SLASH_
29,392 49% 1,210
BUBBA_06_2014 [TAP] Tap123
6,104 47% 1,199
goodfunman [ALARI] A Team Flash
67,245 50% 1,196
dreadnaught12 [VERSE] beaches
18,228 52% 1,193
The_Hitman1986 [-IPA-] Guaro
34,704 48% 1,190
IvanAndres94 [JLA] El señor X
28,683 49% 1,187
Justiceiro79 [1-DBB] Lets tie, Lests Draw
51,872 49% 1,186
VA65_Intruder [T_F_T] Tigers
6,451 50% 1,185
Mocazef7 [KVERA] 👹KVERA
22,280 47% 1,177
kfidz [_NXS_] KFidz
7,463 49% 1,168
Alex_tributino13 [RT_66] Lobo solitário
27,775 49% 1,164
Michael_B101 [-907-] B101
39,891 50% 1,162
64,242 50% 1,162
jojofelix [DHO-X] didiwinyet?
46,089 51% 1,161
The_Paul_Tinder [WOTLA] Your Match
29,561 49% 1,159
lai_yali [-BX-] laiyali
11,519 49% 1,156
Sirbetino [4HIM] DORINE
19,574 49% 1,156
smart49 [S-A-B] Boris The Blade
24,480 50% 1,155
rad7911 [THRD] tankin up
81,830 49% 1,152
MBX [HARMZ] The_Cat_Juggler
37,776 50% 1,150
Ramirou [WILDH] ♤♡◇♧
22,629 50% 1,144
aldf9 [SEA-M] ghostrider
63,470 50% 1,142
nippurcamp [AA-A] ‍‍‍‍
45,104 50% 1,137
JPJPKILL [324TH] ☄️☄️
40,227 48% 1,136
rompecraneos [HHL] Los Borbotones
17,366 50% 1,135
jpfrio [GOLE] alphas
6,674 49% 1,135
zatrus66 [JMSQC] zat's team
50,208 48% 1,133
negame [AA-A] T-34
36,544 49% 1,132
NothingButNathan [4ORC2] Blobs
7,973 49% 1,132
tankitytanktank3 [BTU-A] ttt3
75,325 48% 1,127
2ndArmoredCavalry [DD-S] Let’s Go Brandon!
93,864 49% 1,124
smeloni [-OFF-] 😎Smel
44,468 49% 1,114
Shong_Anglion [A-L-V] Temistocles
39,072 49% 1,113
WETW06K [-GOD-] dfghjk
49,612 50% 1,112
ToonTownTanker [CRASH] toon
58,906 50% 1,111
MasterBlaster_27 [LDSH] Kit Bashers
20,143 50% 1,106
wasserdobrasil [UP-NA] UP-NA
72,902 49% 1,105
indy1s [PIKE] twofootonion
42,001 50% 1,105
Total: 409

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