Tournament - Weekday Warfare 8

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: February 22, 2016; Accepted Teams: 90 (Total: 118)
Map: Erlenberg
Battle Mode: Encounter
Start: February 22, 2016
Average WN8: 1,404
Total: 349
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Sp00kyScarySkeleton [CHAI] Bob Saget
6,637 65% 3,783
Sheep_ [WILDH] Ping 999
7,886 64% 3,306
lemming_______chatoff [BULBA] Game of Throws
10,942 61% 3,237
No5_Rico [OTTER] 91meiyouxiaojiji
12,280 65% 3,093
saboslobo [MMIMM] What is the plan?
1,371 62% 2,986
4_2_0Armor [BABOO] Swagtastic
4,044 61% 2,913
Awean [OTTER] 91meiyouxiaojiji
11,297 63% 2,887
Zykalo [ENA] What is the plan?
5,477 59% 2,868
Xion_ [BULBA] Ta Tranquilo
22,278 62% 2,854
AdmiraI_Kizaru [M0] Mo Money Mo Problems
4,513 59% 2,800
Diesel__PL [P4NDA] ╬ Grenadier ╬
4,174 58% 2,800
TankCrusherX [OTTER] Awkward Turtles
35,692 60% 2,773
ItsGonRain [STAKD] They_Say_Y0L0_Hax
33,899 61% 2,771
HenriqueDante [STAKD] GAME-OVER
38,208 61% 2,767
21,182 62% 2,717
Iefty [OTTER] Iefty and the Meatshields
16,016 59% 2,686
SHIMB0 [WILDH] Ping 999
22,326 58% 2,685
Lastminuteiron [TIP] Licence to Team Kill
18,282 59% 2,665
__ORION__ [FLAR3] losviolines
33,577 58% 2,630
_Llama_ [FLAR3] Yamcan's Mom
9,259 57% 2,612
AIthalus [CRGE] Pls no bulli
20,946 60% 2,606
MuFa5a [WILDH] Ping 999
13,676 60% 2,576
Boroo11 [TOTEM] <<Totem>>
14,683 63% 2,565
someguy124 Copious Discharge
26,164 57% 2,553
O_P_Hacker [STAKD] They_Say_Y0L0_Hax
14,923 66% 2,545
LZ_Schneider [VILIN] Les Violins
19,234 61% 2,542
_Tontinakis [WILDH] Ping 999
22,909 56% 2,498
tiago__smo [-DUTY] Ta Tranquilo
35,760 57% 2,464
privatesnowballs [FLAR3] Yamcan's Mom
16,351 58% 2,459
WookieHunter5290 [SAAP] Striving for Mediocrity
19,783 59% 2,430
martinbomb [DUTY] Celine Dion Death Squad
28,207 58% 2,421
Rayderx [WILDH] LosBronze
18,068 56% 2,420
Slic [SIMP] Forgot Coconuts
36,858 56% 2,405
Spazzatree [VILIN] Iefty and the Meatshields
16,841 58% 2,395
22,564 57% 2,368
Bill_the_tax_collector [MAHOU] Area 51 - Homey Airport
26,748 58% 2,359
Vyraall [VILIN] Les Violins
27,147 60% 2,353
hudstr [_WD_] Accuracy Through Volume
23,878 57% 2,348
Chickens [M0] Accuracy Through Volume
22,621 56% 2,335
NOTnaughty The Broken Arrow Project
9,164 64% 2,329
BountyHunter177 [FLAR3] Yamcan's Mom
15,415 58% 2,317
Drlickalot [STAKD] They_Say_Y0L0_Hax
13,448 56% 2,307
Canoodian [M0] Accuracy Through Volume
39,306 55% 2,266
thomasye [RELSH] Fair and Balanced
19,914 58% 2,262
Dogzman [BE] Licence to Team Kill
23,055 60% 2,254
GaNa_MN [TOTEM] <<Totem>>
4,861 57% 2,236
hiipanda [SNPAI] Accuracy Through Volume
39,040 57% 2,231
Zercin [M0] Awkward Turtles
34,774 57% 2,231
Charlie_zha [ADOBE] 91meiyouxiaojiji
14,539 59% 2,218
derangerr [APLUS] Iefty and the Meatshields
14,721 58% 2,196
Total: 349

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