Tournament - Weekday Warfare 8

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: February 22, 2016; Accepted Teams: 90 (Total: 118)
Map: Erlenberg
Battle Mode: Encounter
Start: February 22, 2016
Average WN8: 1,404
Total: 349
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
18,265 57% 1,876
bull_frog [ANVIL] Double Tap
14,698 59% 1,875
DeadGalleta [-404-] Esclavos de Zulemita
16,895 56% 1,873
bhosz_312 [SLOPE] sPCD
17,635 54% 1,864
Brizzlemonk [VILIN] Les Violins
16,954 56% 1,860
Strike_Team_9 [SAAP] Striving for Mediocrity
16,574 58% 1,857
Marshal__Zhukov [N0VA_] HASHTAG > LEEHALL190>LeeFlyHigh
15,562 55% 1,846
DuhSax [BABOO] Swagtastic
20,869 56% 1,842
Leopardul [STAKD] Awkward Turtles
14,211 54% 1,840
Chim_Chim [ANVIL] Double Tap
50,180 53% 1,838
_Alloy_ [BABOO] Swagtastic
6,667 58% 1,836
RatherLargeTortoise [NARWL] Sea Unicorns
11,863 54% 1,833
talonsc [PBKAC] Bawl o' Yarn
25,381 54% 1,819
ThunderKick_Z [CRGE] Pls no bulli
17,680 56% 1,813
Ni_YeYe [UFTS] What is the plan?
20,559 54% 1,812
SuperLalpaca [SIMP] Dynamic Gameplay
11,778 55% 1,803
cadyjr [DUTY] Area 51 - Homey Airport
17,606 56% 1,802
totalwar99 [FUZN] Totaly Amo
12,628 54% 1,795
OttoT [RELSH] Fair and Balanced
39,010 57% 1,792
MadMikigan [SNRK] Tyrant Typhoons
24,026 57% 1,790
StaticMC [DUTY] Area 51 - Homey Airport
13,440 56% 1,785
Mythary [PBKAC] Bawl o' Yarn
10,601 58% 1,781
vanic_ [_FAM_] Game of Throws
11,448 53% 1,770
zorack [RSRDD] ZOTs
27,658 54% 1,766
Baadai_MN [TOTEM] <<Totem>>
19,540 52% 1,755
iCanon [SAAP] Striving for Mediocrity
17,991 56% 1,746
Dashka__ [TOTEM] <<Totem>>
12,910 57% 1,743
Randx_18 cLANLeSS
27,382 56% 1,740
TheTrainor [SIMP] Dynamic Gameplay
17,602 53% 1,731
ronin_351 [SNRK] Tyrant Typhoons
27,115 55% 1,729
peter9603 [ADOBE] 91meiyouxiaojiji
14,103 54% 1,724
tronbrvix [OWAR] !BlackOut!
21,850 54% 1,721
Tintin_GIS [DUTY] Area 51 - S4
53,564 56% 1,703
wotbestgame [HUMO] HUMO
6,372 55% 1,693
krytek91 [DUTY] Area 51 - S4
12,856 53% 1,690
_Zip_ [RELSH] Fair and Balanced
20,663 52% 1,690
Presidentkidz FTW
13,549 53% 1,678
16,396 55% 1,667
Asninvasion Asian Line
24,176 55% 1,664
SESD95 [-DUTY] Tá Favorável
17,321 58% 1,661
Pamperito [WILDH] mancos al combate
41,863 53% 1,657
bussplana [YETI] Soyuz HW
21,084 53% 1,657
doubleenvy [WILDH] mancos al combate
27,928 53% 1,656
Wildblade [PBKAC] Bawl o' Yarn
32,023 53% 1,653
Croockers47 [-VX9-] =VX9=
16,443 53% 1,653
Duramax_55 [N0VA_] They_Say_Y0L0_Hax
11,336 54% 1,650
feioO [SNRK] Forgot Coconuts
20,723 52% 1,646
S_Ham [TIP] Licence to Team Kill
34,003 53% 1,644
harol13 [-404-] losviolines
18,743 53% 1,643
Salchichon HUMO
25,166 53% 1,640
Total: 349

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