Tournament - Weekday Warfare 8

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: February 22, 2016; Accepted Teams: 90 (Total: 118)
Map: Erlenberg
Battle Mode: Encounter
Start: February 22, 2016
Average WN8: 1,404
Total: 349
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
waterbear [SLOPE] sPCD
37,360 58% 2,174
PuckChaser [PBKAC] cLANLeSS
19,215 56% 2,171
JayZ536 [M0] Mo Money Mo Problems
29,730 58% 2,169
23,179 61% 2,169
MattNight [-DUTY] Tá Favorável
27,421 58% 2,164
Spartacus_Mx [WILDH] LosBronze
17,231 56% 2,160
FlashTombs [CLAWS] Tá Favorável
21,127 58% 2,149
Silentturtle130 [VILIN] Game of Throws
5,846 55% 2,146
Rafudos [CLAWS] Ta Tranquilo
18,410 58% 2,137
BarbaricNoob [REL-2] Dank Memes
25,671 57% 2,133
_Esdeath [-404-] HUMO
10,484 57% 2,125
Skrto [RO-TH] ╬ Grenadier ╬
64,121 57% 2,118
h33t [SIMP] Bob Saget
25,272 61% 2,116
32,201 62% 2,104
Von_Dach [CLAWS] Celine Dion Death Squad
31,666 56% 2,099
AMO Totaly Amo
24,531 54% 2,091
snowclue [SIMP] Dynamic Gameplay
16,661 56% 2,084
t4degrees [REL_3] Mo Money Mo Problems
39,659 57% 2,074
RMaciel199 Ta Tranquilo
23,986 56% 2,066
Panzerkinjerkin [M0] Mo Money Mo Problems
43,471 56% 2,061
united_face [ANVIL] Double Tap
25,228 58% 2,047
Zip__O_OII Team Watermelon
11,125 56% 2,044
harpi5 [DUTY] Celine Dion Death Squad
15,192 55% 2,041
7Tesla [VILIN] Les Violins
22,089 57% 2,030
BigDogWill52299 [SIMP] Dynamic Gameplay
12,898 55% 2,028
LeMarks [DUTY] What is the plan?
12,995 57% 2,027
AnnieMay_SentPie [MAHOU] Iefty and the Meatshields
21,637 56% 2,021
K_c93 [CRGE] Pls no bulli
18,267 57% 2,011
Ch0pSuey [FUZN] Totaly Amo
12,554 55% 1,971
ch1l13ater Asian Line
29,303 55% 1,971
Grimoire_Rouge [SNPAI] Team Watermelon
33,145 57% 1,964
wolfmarx !Blackwater
24,962 54% 1,960
__CeifeiRo__ [STAKD] GAME-OVER
27,262 55% 1,960
PerroConDengue LosBronze
38,490 58% 1,941
bengalswhodey [INTEL] i7 Inside
19,122 55% 1,930
Awaken_Shadows1 [INTEL] i7 Inside
6,358 56% 1,930
Mythology [_FAM_] Game of Throws
11,995 53% 1,925
BuGYPipez [STAKD] Copious Discharge
10,634 55% 1,922
Spudlightyear [FLAR3] Yamcan's Mom
27,971 55% 1,922
DoubleJR [SNRK] Tyrant Typhoons
29,496 55% 1,919
Giovanni_07 [LINCN] Batallón Dignidad
15,245 55% 1,915
Ozwald007 cLANLeSS
35,556 56% 1,915
Jabkata Awkward Turtles
30,393 58% 1,915
HighWoltage_Ru [SOYUZ] Soyuz HW
46,772 53% 1,913
jakefiresfire The Broken Arrow Project
20,418 55% 1,911
LeeHokage [XPX] Team Watermelon
18,675 54% 1,896
StronkAmericanBias [SIMP] Bob Saget
23,823 53% 1,896
Obj261 [STAKD] The Broken Arrow Project
35,445 54% 1,882
airplanezambonie [SAAP] Striving for Mediocrity
22,306 55% 1,881
RopeX [DUTY] Area 51 - S4
22,727 56% 1,876
Total: 349

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