Tournament - Platournament 5.09.17

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: May 09, 2017; Accepted Teams: 319 (Total: 422)
Map: El Halluf
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: May 09, 2017
Average WN8: 1,014
Total: 1,233
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Hollow_Dragon Onion
20 40% 4,356
Sp00kySlaughter ← 黒é›Ș槫 →
1,170 62% 3,639
Brad_Rolim [-DUTY] KMFDM
17,418 64% 3,304
SodiumChIoride [NA-CL] NaCl
3,913 62% 3,303
Saturite Larry
32,154 59% 3,131
Decisions Larry
436 60% 3,034
Berserk_anime_Best_anime [ID_TY] shoot the red tankz
12,332 60% 2,947
Deathwing_2017 lelokden
24 92% 2,898
Epic_Bod [OTTER] shoot the red tankz
9,912 60% 2,746
WuMiaoKing [NEWBI] bilibili
30,468 62% 2,726
5,837 56% 2,655
38 68% 2,624
skyeye24 [DRAW] Salty is a NOOB!
24,596 57% 2,523
D4rkz [WILDH] Plomeros
27,449 59% 2,499
16 63% 2,434
14,273 58% 2,348
WaRPack_F0r_N0RM13S [_FAM_] RudeOne
13,893 57% 2,326
J3Tears [-DIG-] ERDN
5,680 56% 2,318
MKA [TINDR] Fellowship
43,564 57% 2,318
pjcguima [WILDH] Abpraller
60,819 57% 2,271
S3lfer [N0C] North of Canada
12,945 57% 2,263
Toph_Beifong [YOUJO] Are YOU JOking
32,917 57% 2,255
Starick [CTO] KMFDM
34,678 56% 2,250
LittlexxxxPigxxxx Suck Back A Cloud
34,296 60% 2,226
CommanderHalesBrother [TT-6] Steppe_fox
42,025 55% 2,216
31,069 60% 2,207
Dragon31337 [FRI] Desperators
17,548 58% 2,199
CheekiBreeki_ [MAHOU] Driving Blind
36,729 56% 2,198
MayDayX [_B-Z_] _NSX_
36,556 56% 2,195
D_a_r_K_W_a_T_c_H [NAVI] OWNED
32,718 55% 2,194
28,267 55% 2,194
Logos [CHLLN] Pero Mira Esos Haxs!
49,802 58% 2,188
HabNab [-DIG-] Iguana Play
19,533 58% 2,169
Bajicoy [-Y-] OptimisticOptimism
33,511 57% 2,164
Misaka10098 [NEWBI] bilibili
15,730 59% 2,142
Z_E_I_T_G_E_I_S_T Are YOU JOking
25,382 60% 2,135
mrart [VOLGA] Volga
8,065 57% 2,122
y00da [ABEL] Pero Mira Esos Haxs!
23,215 56% 2,094
x_Mad_Wolf_x [FGTVE] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
7,050 56% 2,093
BlueAvenger [XO] Onion
26,120 57% 2,083
FireAnt333 [ID_TY] shoot the red tankz
19,994 56% 2,070
_bahamutzero_ LORD OF VERMILION
25,629 58% 2,068
AudaciousKing [ROTS] Candy stealers
14,422 57% 2,065
RandxPlaysTanks [SIMP] Manateesaredelicious
40,740 57% 2,059
CatchMyRounds [GURUS] Some Guys
8,643 58% 2,053
Dincus [YOUJO] Are YOU JOking
29,765 58% 2,052
staydown93 [CHLLN] must have 1,700 wn8
11,276 55% 2,049
General_Pancho [ORDER] Iguana Play
41,333 57% 2,034
2,655 55% 2,023
Alicorn_Twilight_Sparkle [5D3] Stallions United
21,802 56% 2,020
Total: 1,233

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