Tournament - Platournament 4.06.17

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: April 06, 2017; Accepted Teams: 279 (Total: 417)
Map: Erlenberg
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: April 06, 2017
Average WN8: 1,111
Total: 1,067
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
xX___turk___Xx TURAN
10 100% 14,404
_DixDixon [XTREM] OneShot
4,486 56% 4,696
____LUCAS____ [CTO] Só Pode!
6,565 57% 3,257
George412305 [SIMP] GeeGee
13,838 58% 3,074
thatzCLASSIFIED [DRAW] Salty is a NOOB!
25,210 59% 2,953
WuMiaoKing [NEWBI] OldBoy
29,775 62% 2,827
_Origin_ [D1] Medankinal Memijuana
14,004 59% 2,627
stinkybean60 [SIMP] Medankinal Memijuana
38,904 59% 2,609
_TiggiWar_ [DEBB] Os Maus
5,918 51% 2,576
CptBastidas [WILDH] Mankos con K
11,771 57% 2,559
C4oZ [G-E-L] 8.30 jueves
35,050 57% 2,549
ihaio_GARRA_CHARRUA Elvio Lao
38,542 57% 2,545
ThinkingOfYou [D4NCE] The Swedish League
40,342 62% 2,475
mrart [VOLGA] Volga
7,538 56% 2,469
M0E_F0E [F_B_P] BunnySnoogens
2,401 52% 2,370
Scout_in_the_Tank [L_Y_S] Quebekers
12,843 57% 2,365
_Enemias_ [MAHOU] yahoo
20,635 55% 2,362
ChinChoppaChinChoppa [-HERO] Alex
6,537 56% 2,327
Starick [CTO] Só Pode!
33,518 56% 2,325
ChinChoppaChinChoppa [-HERO] MERCENARIOS 88
6,443 56% 2,317
EarthBody [QSF] Nonsense
10,144 56% 2,312
vengadordelosmuertos [_B-Z_] 8.30 jueves
25,063 57% 2,302
zbH [NEWBI] OldBoy
22,903 58% 2,285
Txlionx [-404-] Bolita Team :3
9,947 57% 2,271
Misaka10098 [NEWBI] OldBoy
15,660 58% 2,270
warboss Sons of Valhalla
23,441 55% 2,269
kikonilo [NAVI] OWNED
14,698 54% 2,259
reefR [POPN] GeeGee
18,035 57% 2,240
grunt1771 [FUZN] Pinchers
37,098 56% 2,234
LittlexxxxPigxxxx strv
33,520 60% 2,223
Brutesse 1/4cig
47,040 58% 2,220
CheekiBreeki_ [MAHOU] moose tracks
35,983 56% 2,209
AgentePM22 [8BITS] Soldados Imortais
30,414 55% 2,209
TheNightFox [SQUAL] Nationalism_Is_Life
11,095 56% 2,200
Vitu_77 [8BITS] Alones...No Cabare
10,645 54% 2,198
Snoogns [VIPR] Shayne's Rage
12,660 54% 2,190
CommanderHalesBrother [TT-6] RNG_FTW
40,921 54% 2,189
_ButterToast_ [DPLG] sleepers
9,321 56% 2,187
D_a_r_K_W_a_T_c_H [NAVI] OWNED
31,101 55% 2,174
40,174 55% 2,155
German_Deadeye_Gunner [RDDT3] Jebaited
40,651 56% 2,143
DoubleJR [SIMP] Medankinal Memijuana
36,039 57% 2,126
_bahamutzero_ LORD OF VERMILION
25,021 58% 2,125
h16swiss El Pleberinos
19,575 56% 2,124
_bahamutzero_ [PAR-K] SUPERSONICOS
24,986 58% 2,120
Ocreatus [RDDT] Jebaited
13,199 56% 2,114
EliteSoldier972 [FMLY] Sons of Valhalla
8,946 59% 2,103
norsewolf Nationalism_Is_Life
51,922 55% 2,095
ericthefly [ID_TY] GeeGee
18,398 56% 2,095
CunningHun [REL-2] El Pleberinos
29,156 54% 2,087
Total: 1,067

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