Tournament - Weekly 5v5 March 20 - 24

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: March 20, 2017; Accepted Teams: 104 (Total: 190)
Map: Ensk
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: March 20, 2017
Average WN8: 1,093
Total: 699
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
TheDarkWeb [HACKD] The Zerg
1,940 61% 9,836
Xeriife par-k
327 55% 5,142
4,082 60% 4,659
3,801 57% 4,130
SodiumChIoride [AVNGE] NaCl
2,303 62% 3,598
Lobyy [UKR] Noobs
2,000 56% 3,493
____LUCAS____ [CTO] Naum Consegue
6,034 57% 3,337
Zykalo [HACKD] The Zerg
16,294 61% 3,268
Alajhsm_Arabin [CAVY] porcellus
33,544 66% 3,123
Gasubal [HACKD] The Zerg
4,326 59% 3,016
11,130 61% 3,002
thatzCLASSIFIED [DRAW] Salty is a NOOB!
24,792 59% 2,943
Neitx [WILDH] YeeTeam
21,812 58% 2,937
SargentoBS HELL FISH 8/10PM
1,263 62% 2,879
captain_celtic Vlad Tepes Children
18,170 60% 2,815
aperson2 [HACKD] The Zerg
26,297 58% 2,773
Sp00kyScaryKitKat__o7o7 [MAHOU] Red tanks are OP
41,348 59% 2,635
WhiskyTangoFoxtrot_MoFo [TNSF] GoodLuck HaveFun
4,575 48% 2,588
Imponderable [POPN] navygunnersintanks
3,394 59% 2,574
25,003 57% 2,571
CptBastidas [WILDH] HELL FISH 8/10PM
11,471 57% 2,553
D4rkz [WILDH] Plomeros
26,718 59% 2,537
IterativeHail27 [_FAM_] TealTeamFive
21,728 58% 2,536
Victrixen [YOUJO] play4fun
10,911 61% 2,534
34,453 57% 2,521
29,789 56% 2,492
HuntDean [STAKD] Vlad Tepes Children
27,370 58% 2,460
Naviros [STAKD] Vlad Tepes Children
30,375 59% 2,400
enjineer The Zerg
39,847 57% 2,382
Cunning_Wolf [HACKD] The Zerg
25,057 57% 2,378
SnowSailor [RS] Red tanks are OP
17,238 56% 2,362
Starick [CTO] Naum Consegue
32,988 56% 2,324
trireme [SG] Sturm_Intentions
37,621 58% 2,318
nSidious [THUGZ] iplay
22,457 57% 2,314
Fox_of_Shadows hallo
10,356 62% 2,295
SirZachAttack [MONKS] Salty is a NOOB!
5,276 55% 2,294
EzeH_ [WILDH] YeeTeam
12,031 59% 2,294
Logos [CHLLN] iplay
48,577 58% 2,290
vengadordelosmuertos [_B-Z_] HELL FISH 8/10PM
24,714 57% 2,279
Elektro_ YeeTeam
2,596 57% 2,274
AnnaVonStauffenberg [MAHOU] play4fun
19,950 55% 2,261
Froleytia [PLSGO] play4fun
30,566 57% 2,233
LittlexxxxPigxxxx navygunnersintanks
32,957 60% 2,225
TL_hayha [HUMO] HUMO
17,513 55% 2,220
jairogut [GSH] G S H
18,832 55% 2,217
Bsan77 [_FAM_] play4fun
11,547 57% 2,194
Takumi_Fujiwara CAKE FARTS
20,171 57% 2,177
TheFearInside [W0RLD] jellybeans
17,341 55% 2,170
jsarc [CHLLN] iplay
12,656 57% 2,170
Vitu_77 [EX-BR] Alones...No Cabare
9,955 54% 2,168
Total: 699

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