Tournament - Platournament 3.18.17

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: March 18, 2017; Accepted Teams: 367 (Total: 493)
Map: Mittengard
Battle Mode: Standard battle
Start: March 18, 2017
Average WN8: 1,033
Total: 1,404
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
xX___turk___Xx moris
10 100% 14,404
DabOn_Em [GE_GE] GeeGee
10 100% 5,985
Hollow_Dragon [2FDUP] scrubbing bubbles
20 40% 4,356
_DixDixon [XTREM] QuieroORO
3,692 57% 4,156
Brad_Rolim [-DUTY] Optimistic
16,993 64% 3,518
Xeriife los destructores
190 57% 3,303
Dino_Crisis 0_o/
3,439 56% 3,260
JeffDaKiller_ Angry_WolfPack
1,116 62% 3,117
George412305 [SIMP] GeeGee
13,747 58% 3,074
Treyjan just pissa
26,218 59% 2,934
WuMiaoKing [NEWBI] 25257758
29,219 62% 2,809
LewdPrincess [BAUK] Natsuki_No_Kami
1,120 57% 2,769
ItzBlitz [VILIN] The A-Team
35,567 64% 2,754
poisonousblood [HACKD] The Doodly BoyZ
55,088 57% 2,725
Abao77Gina [NEWBI] 25257758
8,650 62% 2,661
WhiskyTangoFoxtrot_MoFo [TNSF] GoodLuck HaveFun
4,502 48% 2,624
QtipGalore Scrub Alert
14,332 58% 2,577
CptBastidas [WILDH] 8.30/10.30 sabado
11,417 57% 2,550
C4oZ [G-E-L] 8.30/10.30 sabado
34,387 57% 2,518
MattNight [M0] Optimistic
35,798 60% 2,495
mrart [VOLGA] Volga
7,045 56% 2,429
DarthWong [UP] UnicumPolice
21,594 59% 2,406
LordB0b [NEAT] :D :D
19,970 56% 2,402
Deffendor [GOONZ] scrubbing bubbles
18,183 56% 2,352
35,269 56% 2,318
Slaughter__O_OII [YOUJO] Woah7
2,666 57% 2,306
Fox_of_Shadows Gladiators
10,356 62% 2,295
SirZachAttack [MONKS] Salty is a NOOB!
5,276 55% 2,294
Misaka10098 [NEWBI] 25257758
15,470 58% 2,237
Accretia [WILDH] W A R M A C H I N E
37,888 55% 2,226
LittlexxxxPigxxxx RBO SportS
33,040 60% 2,225
OceanGazer [CRZYT] Wanna Be A Unicum!
14,537 56% 2,224
reefR [POPN] GeeGee
17,341 57% 2,224
Dany2j [TUF] Spoon !
52,470 55% 2,216
_verminator_ [STAKD] Time to Try hard
25,892 58% 2,207
therenner 3v3v
26,753 56% 2,206
ShireiKan_ExcalibuR [HMBR] W A R M A C H I N E
39,695 56% 2,204
ChinChoppaChinChoppa [-HERO] HOOK
5,702 56% 2,188
Apocalipsys [LAS] (LAS)
32,105 57% 2,182
Takumi_Fujiwara MANGOS
19,836 57% 2,176
jsarc [CHLLN] iplay
12,656 57% 2,170
Mlopesz [WILDH] W A R M A C H I N E
67,180 56% 2,169
CheekiBreeki_ [MAHOU] [-TEL-]
35,200 55% 2,167
Dincus [YOUJO] Woah7
28,964 58% 2,155
xX_WidowMaker_Xx [SVER] MANGOS
39,731 55% 2,145
Jameson1994 [-_-] GeeGee
43,276 56% 2,143
Warling [CSCAV] My Shells Your Face
21,656 55% 2,140
Vitu_77 [EX-BR] Alones...No Cabare
9,591 54% 2,138
AgentePM22 [8BITS] Soldados Imortais
29,761 55% 2,138
rabidbovine [XO] Onion
26,824 56% 2,136
Total: 1,404

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