Tournament - Platournament 2.21.17

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: February 21, 2017; Accepted Teams: 409 (Total: 514)
Map: Winterberg
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: February 21, 2017
Average WN8: 1,024
Total: 1,540
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
275 67% 7,163
Ballack_ cccccc
33 79% 6,428
VovaUkrainian [-G-] Це перемога
14,880 65% 3,877
____LUCAS____ [CTO] Jorgineos
4,905 58% 3,663
Black_Gun_Doge [MAHOU] MeatBall GunGun
3,150 62% 3,611
Brad_Rolim [-DUTY] Optimistic
16,715 63% 3,500
BookHorse [SHOJO] Kemonomimis4Life
1,325 57% 3,297
PapaDerp [XTREM] Rerroles ops :V
2,546 61% 3,224
allex_g [-G-] Це перемога
10,252 65% 3,099
George412305 [SIMP] Salty_Bombers 3vs3
13,532 58% 3,064
Zakaladas_Reroll_Account [MAHOU] We_r_bots_plz_go_ez)
5,835 62% 2,920
BrOoKs_MGL [-HERO] tommy
2,722 61% 2,850
24,123 59% 2,686
10,494 61% 2,654
Sp00kyScaryKitKat__o7o7 KitKat
40,466 59% 2,607
aperson2 [HACKD] The Zerg
25,768 57% 2,601
5t3rling [E-50M] Blow me..... Away!!!
16,495 60% 2,599
Cold_Stream [-G-] Phoenix
27,038 58% 2,589
soheil_persianboy [VILIN] We_r_bots_plz_go_ez)
25,339 60% 2,581
redpatch [XO] Pewdie Redpills Kids
22,322 58% 2,490
taoohis [_P-B_] Hot Dog Mansion
20,396 56% 2,489
C4oZ [G-E-L] 9.30 /11.30 Martes21
33,539 57% 2,475
23,766 57% 2,441
CptBastidas [WILDH] 9.30 /11.30 Martes21
10,909 57% 2,428
The_Amateur_Surgeon [SG] Viper_Dragon
11,352 56% 2,416
DreW102 [HACKD] The Zerg
18,821 57% 2,391
Hauptmannalex [HHL] LAAG
23,117 58% 2,378
SpongeBob1994 [PARS] We_r_bots_plz_go_ez)
28,046 59% 2,363
zethell1 [THUGZ] iplay
12,312 57% 2,331
yarotoch [-G-] Це перемога
28,466 58% 2,318
Godwookie [FADES] ~LOVE~
19,543 54% 2,274
BillNye_The_Statpad_Guy [E-50M] Blow me..... Away!!!
42,080 56% 2,272
30,432 54% 2,268
32,156 55% 2,255
Snowlly [R-R-R] MeatBall GunGun
13,892 58% 2,244
Lonewolf1 [RDDT] desu-03
15,219 56% 2,205
EzeH_ [WILDH] XertFire TEAM
11,293 58% 2,205
Dany2j [TUF] Spoon
51,620 55% 2,191
Takumi_Fujiwara Pain Poulet
19,654 57% 2,174
Accretia [WILDH] T1 CULERO
36,645 55% 2,173
nSidious [THUGZ] iplay
22,344 57% 2,172
26,164 56% 2,165
Slaughter_For_Daddy [SHOJO] _Cyka Blyat Rush B
2,308 58% 2,164
AnglerfishMiho [80PRF] Clever Team Name
10,842 55% 2,151
Fixtool [RDTT2] NA over EU Anyday
206 55% 2,141
xX_WidowMaker_Xx [SVER] Pain Poulet
39,595 54% 2,141
Apocalipsys [EIXO2] Mengão Peruano
31,355 57% 2,129
TheFearInside [W0RLD] You even lift bruh?
16,632 55% 2,127
CheekiBreeki_ [SHOJO] ChicoPositivo
34,404 55% 2,112
mrart [VOLGA] Volga
6,475 56% 2,107
Total: 1,540

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