Tournament - Map Exhibition - Sand River

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: January 25, 2017; Accepted Teams: 49 (Total: 113)
Battle Mode: Standard battle
Start: January 25, 2017
Average WN8: 1,425
Total: 1,301
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
NovaTankers [-G-] Guerrillas
6,383 68% 4,034
HELIONIST [-G-] Guerrillas
11,268 69% 3,898
MyStatPaddingAccount [SNEKS] SNEKS
2,705 72% 3,779
NineInchNails [MAHOU] MAHOU
48,762 67% 3,523
Warbander [BULBA] Romantic Bulbasaurs
29,172 64% 3,490
Veilnebulas [SNEKS] SNEKS
14,883 64% 3,456
vetro_xD [BULBA] Romantic Bulbasaurs
30,283 62% 3,346
dualmaster333 [BULBA] Romantic Bulbasaurs
26,185 63% 3,307
200ms [WILDH] Live Master Taco o//
3,337 65% 3,307
BookHorse [NEET] wolfgirls go awoo
1,093 57% 3,298
BowDownToTheKing [SNEKS] SNEKS
1,511 65% 3,290
KARAHANLI_02 [BULBA] Romantic Bulbasaurs
14,945 64% 3,267
Sheep_ [WILDH] Live Master Taco o//
11,785 65% 3,257
FoV [_P-B_] Phoenix-Brothers
17,610 63% 3,232
Mad_Bullerman [VILIN] Church of Iron
38,054 61% 3,226
_Brutal_Synergy_ [-G-] Guerrillas
12,708 66% 3,185
Oxmathus [BULBA] Romantic Bulbasaurs
21,905 66% 3,179
GodEmperorBrett [BULBA] Romantic Bulbasaurs
19,621 67% 3,173
2,724 61% 3,114
AkulaV [BULBA] Romantic Bulbasaurs
24,599 70% 3,102
Comrade_Jeffe [MAHOU] MAHOU
13,106 66% 3,093
hammer91 [STAKD] They_Say_Y0L0_Hax
49,338 61% 3,087
BigJuicyBear98 [FADED] FADED
12,112 60% 3,073
Diesel__PL [STAKD] They_Say_Y0L0_Hax
14,155 61% 3,040
ConnorKirk_ [SNEKS] SNEKS
6,143 59% 3,034
ThaUltimateTanker [STAKD] They_Say_Y0L0_Hax
40,946 61% 3,022
absoluteBum [STAKD] They_Say_Y0L0_Hax
45,319 59% 2,964
AggressorXL [BULBA] Romantic Bulbasaurs
27,950 62% 2,963
TankCrusherX [VILIN] Church of Iron
43,447 61% 2,940
Wallhacks [BULBA] Romantic Bulbasaurs
17,855 69% 2,940
_sm0kka_ [SNEKS] SNEKS
1,199 61% 2,929
MercuryBlack [MAHOU] MAHOU
18,756 61% 2,924
m0rieris [-G-] Guerrillas
23,994 64% 2,919
N3RV3 [-G-] Guerrillas
17,936 62% 2,916
T1_Diabetic [BULBA] Romantic Bulbasaurs
29,175 61% 2,915
IRazRI [STAKD] They_Say_Y0L0_Hax
12,622 61% 2,891
Pompous_Magnus [BULBA] Romantic Bulbasaurs
42,817 61% 2,862
GAIMER [-G-] Guerrillas
34,027 61% 2,850
JoJoJacKy____________hi [BULBA] Romantic Bulbasaurs
23,124 63% 2,844
conqueringaz [BULBA] Romantic Bulbasaurs
16,902 63% 2,841
20,513 60% 2,837
Brummiger_Konig [RELIC] RELIC'FU
22,868 59% 2,826
Nelson2011 [BULBA] Romantic Bulbasaurs
27,855 63% 2,823
Zazie [BULBA] Romantic Bulbasaurs
16,809 64% 2,800
TOPDIEGO [WILDH] Live Master Taco o//
4,042 59% 2,765
spiderofmean [STAKD] They_Say_Y0L0_Hax
23,751 58% 2,763
1,544 61% 2,754
22,958 59% 2,750
Chiroptor_wewlads [MAHOU] MAHOU
18,306 60% 2,734
Fulcrous [VILIN] Church of Iron
25,850 59% 2,731
Total: 1,301

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