Tournament - 1v1 Tier X Friday Night 10PM CST - N°2

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: February 16, 2024; Accepted Teams: 82 (Total: 83)
Map: Himmelsdorf
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: February 16, 2024
Average WN8: 1,660
Total: 82
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Dotar_Soyat [B34RS] Oompa Loompa
35,025 58% 4,232
destro19 [MAHOU] ____
29,685 59% 3,614
V3O [CZ4R] 99999
40,013 58% 3,514
__Bubbles_ [TEACH] VEGA
7,043 62% 3,453
striketanx ghjghjgjghj
2 50% 3,417
GriersonsRaiders [505NM] no_contest
24 58% 3,212
SuzuneHorikita [FINES] Suzune Simp
1,532 68% 3,207
65,569 58% 3,016
I_AM_KAST477 [-TRD-] asasas
2,960 59% 2,863
1,089 61% 2,805
EL_J3RK0V [0RE0] The Bleacher Boys
15,177 58% 2,623
Empathetion [N-N-C] LGBTBBQ
12,701 54% 2,586
2ndTanks_ [GROOT] okkkk
160,576 56% 2,350
100Bases [-RKT-] Ahmmm
12,982 54% 2,322
__AngelOfDeath__ [MEGAA] .AOD.
58,132 58% 2,305
YourLocalCommisar yess
38 58% 2,288
InfiniteSingularity [FNWG] 90210
71,180 56% 2,279
__WarChild__ [OPIC] Apex Predator
59,045 58% 2,238
jackal126 [NEWBI] The cooch punchers
49,978 55% 2,173
cTpeJlyaTb_c_To4HocTb [C-I-S] ........
49,235 52% 2,119
milqui [-BAN-] La Cura
49,436 56% 2,105
Intocavel [RCBBR] Astoshi_Twitch
10,551 51% 2,067
Kale_Rightner [BE] BE SUD
73,193 52% 2,021
Leo_Lopez_LL [-TRD-] big boys
12,037 54% 1,958
DestroiGumms [COTER] DestroiGumms
11,780 50% 1,943
WingsWongs Crusader
3,134 55% 1,940
Tiger_SOBR [OXYGN] War Tiger
89,861 57% 1,937
alex_the_snowflake [-ZOO-] snowflaker
73,777 53% 1,917
20,608 53% 1,887
Pubs_Make_Me_Cry [TIP] nutnut
7,043 54% 1,876
GrimReaperSteel [YRMUM] HighOnLyfe
27,474 53% 1,872
KamiCosa [CHORI] KV-2
33,448 53% 1,855
14Bots [HSH] Proyekt 115
15,818 53% 1,781
SupaSuku [H_F] Sukusukusuku
37,175 53% 1,777
RenamedUser_1007820379 [B34RS] asdasd
24,581 52% 1,744
OneErection [HARMZ] Derpingtons
39,459 50% 1,720
jemrl001 [-TRD-] jeme
63,624 52% 1,713
kennycarlos [OFM-] Queens
23,257 51% 1,707
18,098 52% 1,632
Raltahook [SRB] Ralt
32,076 51% 1,618
renato2805 [INSS] R.R.
34,025 51% 1,600
RoSnake [RO-TD] tim neym
19,563 52% 1,585
jorgelp [FBL] Argentina
42,776 50% 1,503
TrollStar [GOONZ] Any hole is a goal
57,844 52% 1,494
McGazza44 [0RE0] Combat_Wombats
19,881 51% 1,455
Artificial_intelligence1 [PRO-] chad dad
22,028 52% 1,330
Chiledu [THEHU] ME-ME
120,283 48% 1,316
deerhunter315 [RIFL] RIFL
21,389 50% 1,309
Blunkk [UHM] Punch
12,119 49% 1,278
Bols4_de_Doritos [5RING] ioio
16,892 51% 1,264
Total: 82

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