Tournament - 1v1: Tanks After Dark

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: January 12, 2024; Accepted Teams: 55 (Total: 55)
Map: Himmelsdorf
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: January 12, 2024
Average WN8: 1,739
Total: 55
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
SouthKingGamer [W-M] South King's Gaming
294 67% 4,310
IZZY_Impact [RELIC] CalledtoRepentance
4,175 62% 3,811
9,091 53% 3,542
Eduardo_Cuscano [L4ST] Tributo al MoCHO
2,485 64% 3,541
_KeksBulkin_ [TOKUA] Токмак UA
1,797 59% 3,533
XxT0BAR_4OWT [-TRD-] tobar12
9,407 54% 3,115
65,026 58% 3,008
komodor_dragon Komodor
33,043 60% 2,931
XxHUNT7RxX [PIKE] Vanadis
9,148 55% 2,624
Empathetion [N-N-C] 69696969696969696969
12,167 54% 2,582
SNK_Armin [X-7] B-T-W
9,839 58% 2,462
TKingTiger [NEWBI] DezNutsAfterDark
29,151 54% 2,345
__WarChild__ [OPIC] Apex Predator
58,487 58% 2,230
Illustrious_Wahoo [SIMP] Wahoo
30,064 54% 2,153
jackal126 [NEWBI] The cooch punchers
49,635 55% 2,152
DEATH_SYMPHONY [X-7] taiguer
6,988 54% 2,138
DarterTheVanquisher [FINES] FINES
22,389 54% 2,001
Leo_Lopez_LL leonardo
11,520 54% 1,943
Tiger_SOBR [NEWBI] War Tiger
89,560 57% 1,936
Fatigatti_AR [_2D2_] El Faty
71,822 56% 1,717
Death1208 [UZU] OOGY BOOGY
13,887 49% 1,671
Grabowski_Yuri [-ESO-] METHUSELAH
63,555 53% 1,670
KaboomGamesBR_ [_300_] i like pool
3,777 51% 1,654
fetus_yeetus9000 [SHEEN] bruh
10,120 53% 1,651
Ahuiz0tl [HIDRA] Mictlan
27,118 52% 1,642
amerikos [MAZUT] oogaboogaa
36,737 54% 1,636
Y2rty [CRED] Y2rty
4,694 50% 1,622
Huairapamushka [-BX-] sh1t playoff format
41,682 54% 1,588
hukmen2017 [STAKD] hukmen
12,377 51% 1,567
SHo7ING_STARS [X-7] bdbdsb
58,691 52% 1,533
destroyer92_ [JIREH] JIREH
14,046 52% 1,511
XxColombiaXx_steel [E-J-K] ONMC
20,079 51% 1,494
Tinchoxxx [_BST_] manquisimo
79,788 51% 1,451
Jared_X2 [MNBN] SlowestSnail
17,589 50% 1,267
Antonio5384 [BAD44] Linn
12,869 50% 1,263
Orisek [WOTLA] sunglag
18,474 49% 1,261
goodfunman [ALARI] GFM Champions
75,558 50% 1,226
10,939 48% 1,197
Pablogaspar [WOTLA] Mancuso
20,436 50% 1,186
Archie47 [VIDRA] tanks
31,229 50% 1,179
FranciscoAyerza [IPCL] River Plate
16,100 48% 1,102
wojtek_wiesniak [-TFO-] sadd
13,940 49% 1,102
tankitytanktank3 [BTU-A] ttt3
85,484 48% 1,094
Rucoide [-AAK-] Elite of AAK
88,316 50% 1,067
Misslepickle Shid und Fard
21,629 49% 1,054
Kputino33 Cafe
30,334 47% 888
toxa777 [BBORN] wwwwwwwwwwwwww
383 49% 880
alfilcaco2020 [C-M-P] alfilcaco2020
11,562 45% 848
gritoinfernals [-BX-] gritoinfernalds
35,405 46% 831
Leandro_Pio [RCBBR] 4444444
48,450 46% 818
Total: 55

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