Tournament - 2v2: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: December 08, 2023; Accepted Teams: 35 (Total: 50)
Map: Prokhorovka
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: December 08, 2023
Average WN8: 1,747
Total: 70
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
gr33zzlly [-VOID] Morgue_Street
24,244 60% 4,459
Panzer_2017BR [-SBW-] XBACON - 14 REAIS
2,192 63% 4,282
PUNISH3R_ [X-7] Goats
3,241 58% 4,109
MountNamberWan [CZ4R] South King's Gaming
5,766 60% 3,873
______Asdaf [OFM-] monsieur
656 58% 3,797
R1KO_CH3T_ [X-7] Goats
8,068 65% 3,727
8,485 53% 3,481
blooptev [GIVUP] testiculartorsion
75,705 60% 3,295
RedBullba [NEWBI] Alpha Group
64,466 58% 2,990
Nat_KISSYourselfNOW [MVP] sorry!
33,789 54% 2,844
Starick [CZ4R] ......
68,900 59% 2,766
Vem_ne_mim_COE [-SBW-] sophiaDaPUTA
3,423 57% 2,755
h4rdKpoB [-VOID] Morgue_Street
38,627 58% 2,731
thehobostrangle [CRAKD] testiculartorsion
26,831 60% 2,642
ShireiiKaN [CZ4R] South King's Gaming
68,084 58% 2,635
70,311 56% 2,386
andisojorge869 [DOREK] 0007
40,362 54% 2,266
M4taP3rr0s [JOK3R] fawfwwaf
1,135 57% 2,234
RAM_Toledo_Terry [P-A-N] LONKDOWN
3,619 47% 2,218
Otavio32407 [KONOW] BRASIL
14,059 50% 2,157
jackal126 [NEWBI] The cooch punchers
49,177 55% 2,132
Yusuke_Gugameshi [GOONZ] XBACON - 14 REAIS
61,343 56% 2,114
ROLO_OP [B34RS] ..GG..
39,297 54% 2,068
DarterTheVanquisher [FINES] FINES
22,149 54% 1,997
DestroiGumms [COTER] Chrurros e Goiabada
11,430 51% 1,939
Tiger_SOBR [NEWBI] Alpha Group
89,399 57% 1,936
Day__ [-RO] sorry!
54,668 53% 1,907
alex_the_snowflake [-ZOO-] The cooch punchers
73,285 53% 1,905
landsteer [B34RS] ..GG..
47,267 52% 1,822
_Dannx_ [LATIN] monsieur
67,655 52% 1,815
Haunting_Your_Life [GOONZ] sophiaDaPUTA
5,443 54% 1,783
Colleac [MVP] fish
17,636 53% 1,695
DevistationEX [E-WAR] Elder Warriors
69,819 53% 1,600
yeisonstiven [DOREK] 0007
39,582 50% 1,563
platinumdust [FINES] FINES
11,264 54% 1,535
Goleiro_Bruno [NIR] Capangas Do Bruno
4,529 48% 1,500
3,279 50% 1,476
shrkBOOT9 [-F0X-] Vagabundos LTDA
20,078 49% 1,334
Chiledu [THEHU] kaka
118,324 48% 1,298
noahlord [E_L_C] Cheesy Gibberish
7,698 52% 1,266
mantoya [DB-II] no hockey n robotics
34,303 49% 1,253
19,199 49% 1,244
Angry_Metal2010 [MVP] fish
72,667 49% 1,239
goodfunman [ALARI] ALARI Champions
75,492 50% 1,226
CDN_BiGGiE_ [VOLTZ] Swingin Dinks
8,640 47% 1,199
cent_dix [CRNO] Practice run
7,699 50% 1,192
9,132 43% 1,125
slash1570 Cheesy Gibberish
13,199 50% 1,110
Flavio_12 [CDB1] TopCDB1
21,820 48% 1,086
ZoyColombia [-BX-] DOREK
24,706 48% 1,056
Total: 70

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