Tournament - 3v3: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: August 28, 2023; Accepted Teams: 23 (Total: 36)
Map: Himmelsdorf
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: August 28, 2023
Average WN8: 1,573
Total: 70
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
baby___ [BANDS] baby's to the rescue
12,667 57% 3,797
baby___Tazmania [BANDS] baby's to the rescue
575 60% 3,755
pspps [KOZAK] AdmiralsSexyToes
4,422 59% 3,231
Benito__Swagolini [YOUJO] African Americans!!!
10,612 57% 2,961
mateuscuellus [B34RS] 0007
22,331 53% 2,828
Admiralbone [RELIC] AdmiralsSexyToes
24,358 55% 2,620
Shadow__xXx [CRAKD] The cooch punchers
47,589 60% 2,587
12,272 62% 2,584
Kita07 [YOUJO] Holi
80,897 57% 2,557
Surreal_Fps AdmiralsSexyToes
964 60% 2,511
PattonSteel [SNPAI] One Shell Piece
6,506 56% 2,464
PowerRanger_Rojo10_ [BANDS] baby's to the rescue
24,098 54% 2,380
Stiller_Panzer [IN-WO] Franzoles
39,266 52% 2,302
jiaduobaoganwanglaoji [NEWBI] Alpha Group
39,095 56% 2,293
TKingTiger [NEWBI] The cooch punchers
28,278 54% 2,262
Qyvk [A-I] African Americans!!!
6,854 57% 2,147
BananaCannon [MAHOU] One Shell Piece
24,074 57% 2,106
TRON_vix [NEWBI] Eraser
39,431 58% 2,088
Destemido [RAIZ] Alpha Group
52,829 54% 2,076
jackal126 [NEWBI] The cooch punchers
47,610 54% 2,073
AsTiger117 [OFM-] The Rolling Stones
29,794 55% 1,999
46Days [_SL_] 0007
19,468 52% 1,977
Davidbondad_JMB [IN-WO] Franzoles
27,148 53% 1,958
Tiger_SOBR [NEWBI] Alpha Group
88,837 57% 1,934
19,857 53% 1,839
victor_david_sf daumpratodecomidaai
20,221 51% 1,828
66,958 52% 1,802
Andres2123dk Holi
1,865 54% 1,713
Colleac [A-I] target colleac
16,335 53% 1,691
Immp3Rfect [SNPAI] One Shell Piece
38,334 52% 1,668
22,349 51% 1,661
Carlos2609 [WOTLA] SNEEED
23,451 52% 1,646
eraser1962 [NEWBI] Eraser
38,106 53% 1,582
Lanny_2019 [I_DEA] ELBOU
16,903 51% 1,579
Orion_AN Holi
1,112 55% 1,578
yeisonstiven [DOREK] 0007
38,782 50% 1,546
12,418 52% 1,508
FUS1L4D0R [B34RS] The Rolling Stones
13,944 52% 1,493
Nato_Piano [-RKT-] The 3rd impact
25,953 52% 1,480
xJusTheBestx [DIVAS] The Best
29,026 50% 1,469
ImJustHlM [YOUJO] African Americans!!!
23,225 52% 1,382
gigi20 [3WAY] Blue_boar_tankers
22,717 48% 1,348
gatortots [C_C_G] The 3rd impact
26,552 50% 1,331
attackman3 [C_C_G] The 3rd impact
20,032 50% 1,325
theEXALTED [DRAX] Defy Logic
23,756 50% 1,322
KiritoSensei [DIVAS] The Best
26,595 51% 1,272
NOR_TNT_JR [IN-WO] Franzoles
30,720 51% 1,269
antesvn [_EB_] daumpratodecomidaai
11,300 48% 1,255
goodfunman [ALARI] ALARI Champions
74,489 50% 1,217
sawhorse [-RMR-] mike brigade
90,973 49% 1,214
Total: 70

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