Tournament - 3v3: Challenger Bracket

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: August 26, 2023; Accepted Teams: 10 (Total: 16)
Map: Karelia
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: August 26, 2023
Average WN8: 1,552
Total: 30
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
pspps [KOZAK] Animaniacs
4,400 59% 3,238
Sd_L0gic [S-Y-P] Pelos
13,864 51% 2,611
Surreal_Fps The cooch punchers
955 60% 2,479
Incongnito [DREAM] Dream Cream
22,978 57% 2,399
darrhub [DREAM] Dream Cream
22,179 58% 2,363
jiaduobaoganwanglaoji Loll
39,034 56% 2,294
8_T_1 [DREAM] Dream Cream
20,587 59% 2,144
jackal126 [NEWBI] The cooch punchers
47,572 54% 2,073
kenovi66 [H_D_D] Pelos
5,661 48% 2,033
AsTiger117 [OFM-] Animaniacs
29,768 55% 1,998
El_Ottomano [T_K_O] Loll
16,844 52% 1,679
eraser1962 [NEWBI] The cooch punchers
38,106 53% 1,582
yeisonstiven [DOREK] Loll
38,777 50% 1,546
xJusTheBestx [DIVAS] The Best
28,995 50% 1,469
Pepe_RedBullRace [_EB_] daumpratodecomidaai
23,794 48% 1,439
Tinchoxxx [_BST_] Prezes
77,730 51% 1,431
SPARTANO5071 [251] Free gold
16,967 52% 1,397
beree [X-7] Free gold
27,157 50% 1,311
KiritoSensei [DIVAS] The Best
26,520 51% 1,269
antesvn [_EB_] daumpratodecomidaai
11,258 48% 1,250
panoo [IN-WO] Animaniacs
35,372 49% 1,129
Peluche07 [AR_TI] Pelos
3,969 49% 1,045
Lord_Dukkse [BABNS] Free gold
23,385 48% 1,023
oNHard [_EB_] daumpratodecomidaai
4,737 46% 952
killer180 [GMV] GMV!
22,596 49% 855
blas0202 [THEFF] The Best
35,579 46% 841
theslynightwolf [GMV] GMV!
7,350 46% 623
thedragonoftime [GMV] GMV!
17,904 47% 622
Prezes [H_PL] Prezes
135,410 46% 598
eoghan_coyote [C_C_G] Prezes
30,411 43% 191
Total: 30

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