Tournament - 1v1: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: April 04, 2023; Accepted Teams: 443 (Total: 449)
Map: Sand River
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: April 04, 2023
Average WN8: 1,451
Total: 443
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
4,329 67% 10,184
__Lasky [B34RS] Puede ser pa ?
4,819 62% 5,822
cavera12 [P2W] gold X
1,067 57% 5,134
VovaUkrainian [CRAKD] <<>>
30,013 67% 4,449
shrek_jvf [E-O-A] DragonDead
486 55% 3,655
Dotar_Soyat Chingüengüencha
28,271 59% 3,647
Sidmar21 asdf
13,771 58% 3,322
Automated_Bot ummmm
6,703 59% 3,228
4,755 53% 3,198
Rust_ln_Peace [GURUS] ;;;l
6,256 56% 3,161
Gen_but_not_Chief [B34RS] RAXIS
2,297 60% 3,150
GuoEmperorFerret [CZ4R] peeeeee
36,876 59% 3,140
_NeptuneX [L4ST] Patas
2,478 66% 3,119
riseglory [SUS] nomnomnom
37,782 59% 3,080
xys182kk [LYSA] [LYSA] One big famil
41,981 62% 3,072
Chadpanzer [RELIC] poop
3,945 59% 3,023
Benito__Swagolini [PHASE] AdolfDripler
9,001 57% 2,984
Imponderable [-VOID] mercy
9,974 61% 2,978
RedBullba JUST_FOR_FUN(green+)
61,887 57% 2,959
Bigg_smoke [DRAX] BIGG_SMOKE
4,764 58% 2,918
The_Last_Emperor_ [KOZAK] ...................
11,425 57% 2,861
GaoDaShang [LYSA] aaaa
34,862 57% 2,850
16,946 51% 2,752
FemboySecretRanchSauce femboy
16,980 59% 2,732
jefbr [GO4T] jefbr
55,520 58% 2,732
__Skytrain_Shot_Tooto__ [MAHOU] deng ba ge
31,634 61% 2,717
LackToesAndToddlerAnts [FINES] Boarder's Mac&Cheese
24,570 58% 2,704
WinniSmith [KOZAK] WinniSmith
31,874 61% 2,703
Tank_Jackin [ENCOM] GetGoldOrDieTrying.
61,336 58% 2,677
Bajjaman Bajj
15 60% 2,656
Shadow__xXx [NG4ME] _xXx_
47,579 60% 2,595
CheekiBreeki_ [-G-] RespectThe1v1
47,511 57% 2,561
Yunkel28 [_SL_] Karmila
9,832 56% 2,503
BlackSwan [NEWBI] ‮‮‮‮‮‮‮
62,134 55% 2,497
DLucca_SBW [-SBW-] SaberWolf gg
18,812 58% 2,468
Daniel_The_Persian_Skill [OPIC] OPIC ON TOp
43,600 55% 2,464
PatoThe [T_K_O] Windows
24,454 54% 2,459
kat__o7GuoDynasty [FINES] bruh
26,110 56% 2,451
_Danny__ [_FAM_] Danny
15,919 55% 2,405
TheDepauperate [SIGH] 1 is the loneliest #
22,417 55% 2,386
Thunderxballs [FINES] E3 Op
37,227 56% 2,378
WindGhost97 [GIVUP] Kia Ora
43,278 55% 2,346
Keokuk [CONOS] Keokuk
29,611 59% 2,336
Brohammer [GROOT] hehxdd
46,911 56% 2,304
SNK_Armin [X-7] C-D-S
6,017 58% 2,296
jessnostress [PHASE] InYourWildestDreams
1,937 59% 2,285
Seas_ [CZ4R] Sminem
32,609 56% 2,267
InfiniteSingularity [FNWG] MonkeeCMonkeeDoodoo
68,428 56% 2,263
Nozar [RELIC] Cope Cage Bullying
24,797 56% 2,263
skullee [KUFU] ZOOM
34,074 56% 2,263
Total: 443

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