Tournament - 2v2: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: March 20, 2023; Accepted Teams: 143 (Total: 178)
Map: Lakeville
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: March 20, 2023
Average WN8: 1,690
Total: 286
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
WARchess [ALCO] WARchess
109 59% 5,521
cavera12 [P2W] FAFO
748 57% 5,376
14,342 64% 4,871
Abimadiel [3K] Los negros
17,979 54% 4,228
Truth_in_wine [ALCO] Truth_in_wine
146 47% 4,120
xionzz_ [X-7] God eater
1,583 65% 3,925
Welbek_Orange_Forever [SUS] NO hands
11,177 58% 3,809
baby___ [BANDS] Baby_powers
10,326 56% 3,809
_Ivory [-VOID] AntiKo
10,224 62% 3,721
Destroyer133_ [X-7] Batman & Robin ♿️
33,376 62% 3,655
pspps [B34RS] C-D-S
2,517 60% 3,646
R4YO [L4ST] aaaa
7,114 61% 3,471
Suh_Mantics What is the Meaning?
21,239 63% 3,463
2,453 60% 3,391
Spirtwalker [CZ4R] FerretWalker
45,114 62% 3,333
Empurple [TRY] What is the Meaning?
322 66% 3,312
_lujan [CZ4R] Lujan Army 2
20,256 58% 3,306
_LegendK_ Marley e Eu
4,222 57% 3,302
CopeCageEnjoyer [RELIC] Cope Cage Bullying
31,506 59% 3,265
R1KO_CH3T_ [X-7] God eater
5,925 65% 3,265
GuoEmperorFerret [CZ4R] FerretWalker
36,702 59% 3,127
alphanascimento [RAIZ] 10ocupados
3,789 62% 3,079
12,788 58% 3,040
_S1lver [CZ4R] Emotioonal Damage
4,311 60% 2,956
RedBullba [-VOID] JUST_FOR_FUN(green+)
61,304 57% 2,952
Benito__Swagolini [PHASE] Beccanito
8,673 57% 2,937
0blivion___ vana
12,953 61% 2,777
MartiThePrincess [REL-2] No Skill Just Luck
4,792 58% 2,743
__Skytrain_Shot_Tooto__ [MAHOU] 喵喵咩咩
31,576 61% 2,712
VODKA_FUN [ALCO] Truth_in_wine
170 56% 2,708
_Hornet__ [CZ4R] chaffee
39,352 58% 2,659
145 52% 2,620
IHateTrianglePlayers [KUFU] Fast Foxes
30,330 58% 2,590
o7_Vets [HEATT] Die Scheize
46,171 57% 2,559
Oosa [RELIC] Skill Issue
37,337 59% 2,549
alcofrenia [ALCO] PIANICA
179 56% 2,522
172 58% 2,497
_Palex [RELIC] Skill Issue
47,115 58% 2,450
Insane_Lex stela
26,748 60% 2,447
Daniel_The_Persian_Skill [OPIC] OPIC ON TOP
43,435 55% 2,447
RyyuuuuSeaMenEnjoyer [DRIZY] gay sex
14,316 56% 2,417
Itzehoe [SAB3R] why are we here
27,964 56% 2,412
WilliamThePrincess [REL-2] No Skill Just Luck
14,291 57% 2,386
Justice_Of_The_War [_300_] Fox123321
1,992 58% 2,382
_ApoIo [X-7] Batman & Robin ♿️
19,677 56% 2,355
frelsi [WOTLA] 💀WOTLA💀
7,224 54% 2,354
Fredy5 [PHASE] InYourWildestDreams
17,324 55% 2,324
SlayerofMoose [HAVOK] Eraser
35,437 57% 2,306
Beccaroni_ [PHASE] Beccanito
3,104 62% 2,287
jessnostress [PHASE] InYourWildestDreams
1,911 59% 2,265
Total: 286

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