Tournament - 2v2: South American Open

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: March 15, 2023; Accepted Teams: 92 (Total: 135)
Map: Himmelsdorf
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: March 15, 2023
Average WN8: 1,648
Total: 185
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
WARchess [ALCO] Truth_in_wine
109 59% 5,521
Abimadiel [3K] Los negros
17,953 54% 4,233
cavera12 GREAD
651 57% 4,152
WildBill_onHuckleberry [FINES] Young Alphas 💸🤴🏼
239 69% 4,142
Truth_in_wine [ALCO] Truth_in_wine
146 47% 4,120
143 45% 4,099
Amigo_Wrangler_Leon [FINES] WIE ER HEISST
711 70% 3,634
_OBERMENSCH_ [-VOID] Emotional Damage
2,427 59% 3,623
Sidmar21 JUST_FOR_FUN(green+)
13,543 57% 3,305
verycool_drip_GOD [3DAYS] Hailey Lujan Armie
20,061 58% 3,289
SubWulf [UPD0G] demoncore+screwdrver
12,700 58% 3,013
RedBullba [-VOID] JUST_FOR_FUN(green+)
61,227 57% 2,950
Shakru [3K] 3k o lo que sea
38,234 58% 2,931
_S1lver [CZ4R] Emotional Damage
4,247 60% 2,919
3,899 59% 2,790
alcotown [ALCO] alcofrenia
144 63% 2,747
__Skytrain_Shot_Tooto__ [MAHOU] 放心吧我们不来打
31,542 61% 2,710
170 56% 2,708
Blade_the_Selachii [KUFU] BF 4 U
52,964 58% 2,664
TomatoNumber1 [GOONZ] Tomatoes
3,681 57% 2,648
11,395 63% 2,635
145 52% 2,620
alcofrenia [ALCO] alcofrenia
179 56% 2,522
Diego_Rebelde [B34RS] HDS__
21,180 58% 2,509
172 58% 2,497
2_grasshopper [HI-V] 1Atatürk
516 48% 2,472
Senor_Saggy_Bhalls [C_C_G] dookie boyz
35,429 58% 2,461
pip4life [-SM-] Wikipedia: CBT
18,253 56% 2,432
WilliamThePrincess [REL-2] bigteam
14,287 57% 2,394
skullee [KUFU] ZOOM
33,310 56% 2,269
1_grasshopper 1Tarbala
593 55% 2,260
jessnostress [PHASE] InYourWildestDreams
1,901 59% 2,257
_GreatGameDota_ [REL-2] CRINGELORDS
11,375 55% 2,234
Lomdermas [_SL_] PPPPP
60,836 55% 2,208
_Antrax20_ [X-7] _rRr_
24,570 58% 2,203
WhoaThatsALotOfBees [REL-2] bigteam
16,884 54% 2,200
Tank_Car [DEVLZ] 1Gardiner
1,824 54% 2,181
MacedonianSteelHeart_ [S-A-B] teKEKELKO
34,142 56% 2,172
kainter [-VOID] Gee Gee
17,991 54% 2,168
D1llPickleZ [BOND] 2 nuts in a sac
8,625 54% 2,167
Newword [-PHD-] BOOT
41,541 56% 2,132
_Caveman__ [C-I-S] Life in the Big City
105,794 54% 2,129
Krown [OXIDE] Life in the Big City
23,178 57% 2,122
GamerTY108 [ROCKY] Please show up.
9,465 54% 2,113
psalm35 [WACKD] 1Aswan
706 55% 2,109
45,876 57% 2,071
ArgentumShells [SIGH] 2222
56,967 57% 2,066
3_grasshopper 1Houtribdijk
436 52% 2,064
TRON_vix [SAB3R] Alpha Group
38,546 57% 2,055
4yguk [KOZAK] KEKC
66,326 54% 2,049
Total: 185

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