Tournament - 4v4: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: January 19, 2023; Accepted Teams: 34 (Total: 53)
Map: Ghost Town
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: January 19, 2023
Average WN8: 1,518
Total: 138
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
__Lasky [CRAKD] volga boatmen
3,451 63% 6,078
HeartOfCampNou [LYB] fei wu kk
25,938 67% 3,517
alphanascimento [RAIZ] 10ocupados
3,384 62% 3,213
swiss1809 [KUFU] The cooch punchers
47,172 59% 3,069
xys182kk [CRAKD] fei wu kk
41,302 62% 3,061
_______SLOTH_______ gee gee eraser
43,776 61% 2,896
RedBullba [-VOID] MOD WIN ON
59,975 57% 2,891
Nikko_Senpai [REL-2] Please show up.
23,030 55% 2,813
Geofilm OXYGEN
7,649 56% 2,785
__Skytrain_Shot_Tooto__ [MAHOU] fei wu kk
31,429 61% 2,723
mateuscuellus [-TRD-] volga boatmen
19,620 52% 2,707
707_horsepower [CZ4R] Toron
40,193 57% 2,631
Hjkaus [DREAM] Dream Cream
15,792 60% 2,630
simonfire13 [CZ4R] Toron
20,110 57% 2,620
_Marcel___ [CZ4R] Dream Cream
25,180 56% 2,516
Mokkori28 [B_N_E] B.N.E.
5,820 57% 2,464
SNPAI_Caucaz_Amazing [L3GND] MOD WIN ON
3,844 54% 2,403
FlankForce1 [B_N_E] B.N.E.
16,422 51% 2,392
Incongnito [DREAM] Dream Cream
22,565 57% 2,330
DaShagger [SQUAL] Play For Gold
9,365 61% 2,301
18,978 53% 2,281
Aldgieris [GTT] GTT Bora Bill Gates
13,367 50% 2,199
IcedBroom [GO4T] SIMP = Sniper Monkey
42,064 57% 2,182
8_T_1 [DREAM] Dream Cream
19,860 60% 2,153
Zargeras_VI gee gee eraser
15,218 57% 2,148
kainter [-VOID] gee gee eraser
17,343 54% 2,147
TKingTiger [OXIDE] The cooch punchers
27,007 54% 2,146
andisojorge869 [DOREK] 0007
37,098 54% 2,139
Charan_Kanna [FINES] SIMP = Sniper Monkey
16,052 54% 2,127
TRON_vix [OXIDE] Alpha Group
38,333 57% 2,064
Destemido [RAIZ] Alpha Group
51,571 54% 2,051
ArgentumShells volga boatmen
55,068 57% 2,011
jack976899 [-BX-] The A-TEAM
41,463 52% 1,960
Fox_Trooty [P2W] Alpha Group
40,988 53% 1,954
jackal126 [OXIDE] The cooch punchers
44,257 54% 1,949
Tiger_SOBR [C-I-S] Alpha Group
85,483 57% 1,930
46Days [ARMUR] 0007
17,233 52% 1,926
WingsWongs [MUGRZ] Play For Gold
2,508 55% 1,922
Track_Again_Caliss [LH-QC] Toron
32,526 55% 1,910
15,327 55% 1,906
kaiser9024 [DUCHE] 0007
28,732 52% 1,891
TsudaTomaya [-BX-] los DRAGONES UWU
35,794 53% 1,886
DarterTheVanquisher [FINES] SIMP = Sniper Monkey
19,645 54% 1,885
___G0D___ [N0M0D] 10ocupados
15,271 54% 1,830
alex_the_snowflake [-ZOO-] The cooch punchers
70,288 53% 1,823
_Surreal_ [OXG] OXYGEN
1,813 58% 1,822
Athenarian [LYSA] fei wu kk
39,127 57% 1,820
xXDragon_ZeusXx Please show up.
11,079 52% 1,780
leao741fox [MTBR-] stock-gun
10,195 50% 1,761
Mastaan_101 QUAKD GAMERS
60,118 53% 1,683
Total: 138

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