Tournament - 3v3: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: November 15, 2022; Accepted Teams: 38 (Total: 61)
Map: Sand River
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: November 15, 2022
Average WN8: 1,726
Total: 114
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
_Frogs_ [TAC-D] Brothers in Christ
5,182 61% 6,797
MountNamberWan [N0M0D] South King's Gaming
3,604 60% 5,785
Lichta__ [SIMP] Memeteam
14,062 63% 4,466
BushW4nker [VILIN] yoloswag420
5,057 66% 4,387
Dotar_Soyat [_M3_] Hermanos de Sangre
25,003 59% 3,622
SnorelaxBruh22 [GRAIL] Misfits
11,362 57% 3,554
Senlac [CDIV] CDIV
28,516 55% 3,423
Bez_Granits_ [KOZAK] Bez_Granits_
214 60% 3,147
swiss1809 [KUFU] Alpha Group
45,450 59% 3,114
LEP_ASI [FINES] gee gee
10,262 63% 3,055
TastyPastry [MAHOU] yoloswag420
37,544 59% 2,941
LightningTheef [CRAKD] PHASE
20,991 57% 2,914
UrWaifusFuelMyWN8 [GO4T] yoloswag420
64,186 60% 2,914
Diego_Rebelde [B34RS] Hermanos de Sangre
21,050 58% 2,801
Blade_the_Selachii [KUFU] O.S.F.
51,634 58% 2,791
mateuscuellus [-TRD-] volga boatmen
18,031 51% 2,629
KoMaHaNp_3KcKaNn6yP [N0M0D] South King's Gaming
62,860 58% 2,572
ReiiDLL [-PHD-] dwada
879 56% 2,430
Admiralbone [RELIC] Tiger
19,333 54% 2,393
DEMOLIDOR_X [N0M0D] South King's Gaming
67,804 56% 2,379
Lomdermas [NG4ME] ppppp
59,682 55% 2,308
Krown [L3GND] The cooch punchers
22,517 57% 2,257
kainter [-VOID] gee gee
16,189 54% 2,183
Astatine [TAC-D] Brothers in Christ
27,481 55% 2,166
TRON_vix [PHONX] Alpha Group
38,047 57% 2,143
Mystic_Potato [TAC-D] Brothers in Christ
14,353 54% 2,122
Sr_Maiky [R3ADY] R3ADY?
19,275 53% 2,109
Sparky5000 [SIMP] Memeteam
21,917 57% 2,107
PhoenixTheFox [SIGH] Tiger
10,975 55% 2,098
LamentOfDeath WishWeWereGood!
35,229 55% 2,086
__KOZAK__ [KOZAK] Bez_Granits_
41,600 57% 2,082
cabecha [P1GS] Hermanos de Sangre
98,460 52% 2,055
Tiger_SOBR [C-I-S] Alpha Group
84,768 57% 2,009
ArgentumShells volga boatmen
53,632 57% 2,004
jackal126 [PHONX] The cooch punchers
43,218 54% 1,985
ignacio2107 [GOTAR] Grupo de Pesca
46,696 53% 1,930
DarterTheVanquisher [FINES] PHASE
18,083 54% 1,921
46Days [ARMUR] 0007
16,433 52% 1,920
Ricardo_1712 [R3ADY] R3ADY?
47,059 52% 1,917
HighWoltage_Ru [C-I-S] Bez_Granits_
109,752 53% 1,902
Loanid [CDIV] DontChoke
18,549 54% 1,852
kancio1 [DIVAS] Picantes Return
25,009 52% 1,847
DavidUser93 [-NHL-] 3 v 3
12,851 48% 1,842
Worthyer8 [GRAIL] Misfits
16,574 53% 1,841
Astolfo_the_Rider [FINES] The cooch punchers
41,927 54% 1,837
sector7ge [_BST_] losrompetujes
31,584 54% 1,804
ChokeOnMyCannon [GRAIL] Misfits
6,916 52% 1,777
I_trust [-PHD-] dwada
35,161 52% 1,738
Derperino [SIGH] Tiger
14,199 53% 1,718
__KORINGA__ [-PHD-] dwada
59,279 53% 1,696
Total: 114

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