Tournament - 6v6: Mastery Bracket

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: November 12, 2022; Accepted Teams: 11 (Total: 24)
Map: Prokhorovka
Battle Mode: Attack/Defense
Start: November 12, 2022
Average WN8: 2,295
Total: 79
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Alucard_BTW [N0M0D] South King's Gaming
5,401 63% 7,981
Fan_SiZhe 123454
1,820 65% 5,140
VovaUkrainian [CRAKD] Burbobbin
28,994 67% 4,667
gr33zzlly [CRAKD] Morgue_Street
15,769 59% 4,572
Liquidator_md Das Reich
30,130 63% 4,088
Menggeigei [CZ4R] 123454
3,953 65% 4,086
2022_Haasaka [RELIC] 123454
16,312 62% 3,712
Twyder [N0M0D] South King's Gaming
8,108 60% 3,681
Ceeeeeeeeeeeeeeb [-VOID] Morgue_Street
4,159 61% 3,620
O_P_Hacker [CRAKD] STAKD but not really
45,941 65% 3,420
xxxURALxxx [-VOID] Morgue_Street
35,004 60% 3,322
Stat_Paddington_Bear [CRAKD] STAKD but not really
24,642 60% 3,273
alphanascimento [8BITS] Curral: The bois
2,535 62% 3,252
Novembear [L3GND] Burbobbin
38,464 60% 3,209
MeIIy [CRAKD] Burbobbin
22,404 59% 3,176
Decembear [L3GND] Burbobbin
33,107 61% 3,168
Ferret_TealWhisperer [FINES] Burbobbin
34,761 59% 3,152
Manu_Loves_PM_and_Hoarce [GIVUP] Burbobbin
36,067 60% 3,108
_S1lver [-VOID] Morgue_Street
3,183 60% 2,990
UrWaifusFuelMyWN8 [GO4T] Bananananananananana
64,158 59% 2,913
Tombs_ [N0M0D] South King's Gaming
39,523 61% 2,848
Starick [N0M0D] South King's Gaming
66,817 58% 2,812
TPYTEHb_6PYT_neseryoznO [-VOID] Morgue_Street
15,965 60% 2,799
Not_So_Serious_ [-VOID] Morgue_Street
37,352 58% 2,795
thehobostrangle [CRAKD] STAKD but not really
25,016 60% 2,735
Accretia [N0M0D] South King's Gaming
54,614 57% 2,700
richsniper [CRAKD] STAKD but not really
41,253 61% 2,672
TecnoGrau [N0M0D] Curral: The bois
4,217 57% 2,638
PriMalEnergy [YOUJO] yolo to win
59,793 57% 2,611
X_ABE [MAHOU] Bananananananananana
16,061 57% 2,604
KoMaHaNp_3KcKaNn6yP [N0M0D] South King's Gaming
62,793 58% 2,569
BrowerCH [N0M0D] Curral: The bois
24,137 55% 2,561
FxxkChase [PLAF] 123454
9,408 59% 2,547
RoyalGreenPC [YOUJO] Bananananananananana
29,108 57% 2,454
WastedBananaa [MAHOU] Bananananananananana
20,829 55% 2,395
DEMOLIDOR_X [N0M0D] South King's Gaming
67,745 56% 2,375
0ctobear [CRAKD] Burbobbin
25,862 56% 2,336
lDan17 [N0M0D] Curral: The bois
31,611 55% 2,324
richardzhang [MAHOU] Bananananananananana
38,649 54% 2,281
OutLawMF_is_here_0v0 [PLAF] 123454
26,858 57% 2,277
DRXARLEZ [N0M0D] Curral: The bois
12,442 55% 2,275
kainter [-VOID] Morgue_Street
16,163 54% 2,184
TRON_vix [PHONX] yolo to win
38,047 57% 2,143
Charan_Kanna [FINES] Bananananananananana
15,071 53% 2,141
yasine007 [YOUJO] yolo to win
84,982 54% 2,127
Miku_o7 [MAHOU] Bananananananananana
12,806 53% 2,098
Kabango [R4PTR] STAKD but not really
37,003 55% 2,084
iczyje [CZ4R] STAKD but not really
23,925 57% 2,027
jackal126 [PHONX] yolo to win
43,157 54% 1,982
BadBullet [4HIM] STAKD but not really
40,007 53% 1,970
Total: 79

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