Tournament - 3v3: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: October 18, 2022; Accepted Teams: 31 (Total: 43)
Map: Lakeville
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: October 18, 2022
Average WN8: 1,447
Total: 93
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
alphanascimento [8BITS] 10ocupados
1,969 63% 3,145
swiss1809 [KUFU] Alpha Group
44,369 59% 3,058
TastyPastry [MAHOU] yoloswag420
37,390 59% 3,002
UrWaifusFuelMyWN8 [GO4T] yoloswag420
63,627 59% 2,943
LightningTheef [CRAKD] PHASE
20,522 57% 2,849
Diego_Rebelde [B34RS] β€Žβ€Žβ€Žβ€Ž
20,481 58% 2,803
pspps [B34RS] β€Žβ€Žβ€Žβ€Ž
916 61% 2,778
Blade_the_Selachii O.S.F.
50,548 58% 2,759
RedBullba [-VOID] pohernaher
54,385 57% 2,677
kaokiller_o7 [CRAKD] Energy storm
41,041 57% 2,585
SlayerofMoose [NUFFS] Eraser
34,627 56% 2,321
Seas_ [CZ4R] yoloswag420
31,495 56% 2,309
lDan17 [N0M0D] 10ocupados
30,526 55% 2,238
TRON_vix [SQUAL] Alpha Group
37,884 57% 2,196
MaxiTheToxic [X-7] yolo to win
5,672 54% 2,169
yasine007 [YOUJO] yolo to win
84,371 54% 2,119
ll_Jiraiya_ll [X-7] β€Žβ€Žβ€Žβ€Ž
53,695 56% 2,114
TomatoNumber1 [_TOT_] W4RZ
882 57% 2,095
DestroiGumms [COTER] COTER 2
6,805 50% 2,089
iczyje [CZ4R] Energy storm
23,847 57% 2,082
AsTiger117 [B34RS] ABEL
27,898 54% 2,041
Tiger_SOBR [C-I-S] Alpha Group
83,658 57% 2,010
ArgentumShells [LOWR] volga boatmen
52,715 57% 1,998
mateuscuellus [BANDS] volga boatmen
15,080 51% 1,973
sar_warrior_1 [WILDH] Benito Calcagno x3
4,217 51% 1,949
WinneR_EU [CRAKD] Energy storm
291 65% 1,933
46Days [ARMUR] 0007
15,967 52% 1,922
ZAHIR950 [DOREK] 0007
43,453 53% 1,888
Astolfo_the_Rider [FINES] The cooch punchers
41,580 55% 1,876
DarterTheVanquisher [FINES] PHASE
17,296 53% 1,865
albrt300 oro ven ami
26,108 52% 1,862
alex_the_snowflake [-ZOO-] The cooch punchers
68,455 53% 1,818
jackal126 [SQUAL] The cooch punchers
40,717 53% 1,751
CaptToshiro [RIPD] Eraser
89,782 53% 1,740
Xitosinho [COTER] COTER 2
2,661 53% 1,736
dagengster [YOUJO] PHASE
18,494 52% 1,728
12,201 52% 1,669
MightyDucks29 Rondel
2,868 53% 1,649
eraser1962 [RIPD] Eraser
36,640 53% 1,634
springtrap_17 [CLASL] ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍
37,143 50% 1,606
TORO1999titanium [_SL_] MERCENARIOSπŸ€¬β€‹ 88β€‹πŸ–•
23,266 52% 1,601
Checkok [W4RZ] W4RZ
39,134 51% 1,555
GlebZeglov [C-I-S] pohernaher
48,968 53% 1,551
Lechuga11712 [BANDS] volga boatmen
8,742 50% 1,501
luna_sangrienta [K-N-D] K-N-D
38,991 51% 1,463
S_S_La_Santi_Maria [CELL] yolo to win
35,311 52% 1,461
Yoyogood_123 [ALARI] pohernaher
3,649 50% 1,453
embodiment Rondel
5,772 50% 1,451
SpartaMax [MAX-2] ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍
12,014 52% 1,351
deovin [WE3D] Colombiano
132,940 51% 1,333
Total: 93

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