Tournament - 3v3: South American Open

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: September 24, 2022; Accepted Teams: 25 (Total: 46)
Map: Murovanka
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: September 24, 2022
Average WN8: 1,657
Total: 76
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
OliverLime [I_I_F] boii
48 69% 3,772
Lichta__ [SIMP] Memeteam
11,302 63% 3,674
Destroyer133_2016 [X-7] Batman,Robin & Joker
30,118 61% 3,609
_T_H_U_N_D_E_R_ [GPARD] Bots
52,325 59% 3,211
Langr [MAHOU] gee gee
23,145 61% 3,203
swiss1809 [KUFU] Alpha Group
43,622 59% 3,016
_NeptuneX [WISE] xdxd
33 52% 2,914
_Ur4anus_ [CRAKD] xdxd
6,071 60% 2,843
pspps [B34RS] Hermanos de Sangre
545 61% 2,834
TPYTEHb_6PYT_neseryoznO [-VOID] gee gee
15,569 60% 2,820
Diego_Rebelde [B34RS] Hermanos de Sangre
20,288 58% 2,806
BrowerCH [N0M0D] Knife in Skull
23,763 55% 2,591
Requiem4 [_TS] Blitz
3,649 54% 2,563
sanket527 [RDDT] AFKs
22,604 60% 2,397
_ApoIo [X-7] Batman,Robin & Joker
17,964 56% 2,373
Thunderxballs [FINES] Weenor
33,069 55% 2,241
Tucked [HPYHR] Weenor
25,104 54% 2,240
lDan17 [N0M0D] Knife in Skull
30,211 55% 2,223
kainter [-VOID] gee gee
15,561 54% 2,206
Aldgieris [GTT] strong
12,050 50% 2,177
Sparky5000 [SIMP] Memeteam
21,249 56% 2,106
TKingTiger [4ORC2] The cooch punchers
25,574 54% 2,036
Tiger_SOBR [C-I-S] Alpha Group
83,258 57% 2,010
R2D2CAT [HOMI] Technician
15,809 54% 1,934
Cinciosky [RDDT] AFKs
51,375 53% 1,930
Call_Me_Ferrazz [WISE] xdxd
33,544 54% 1,871
Astolfo_the_Rider [4ORC2] The cooch punchers
41,382 54% 1,870
Fox_Trooty [P2W] strong
38,009 53% 1,853
FrancoCappe Hermanos de Sangre
39,729 52% 1,746
jackal126 [4ORC2] The cooch punchers
40,511 53% 1,745
The_Oscar [BOOP2] Bots
27,036 53% 1,734
___G0D___ Knife in Skull
14,367 53% 1,719
GlizzyGobbler_CoomDrunk [FINES] Weenor
17,014 52% 1,719
koolankit [FOCUS] Kotha
74,994 52% 1,643
eraser1962 [RIPD] Alpha Group
36,486 53% 1,630
_AGRIPP4___ [KONOW] ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
28,413 51% 1,612
ezpzggsqueezy [TECH] Bots
14,371 51% 1,594
SHo7ING_STARS Batman,Robin & Joker
54,802 52% 1,528
Bheeshma_ [T_K_O] AFKs
35,452 52% 1,528
zatna [HUNK] bajezinherceg osztag
28,691 50% 1,513
ASSASSIN2016_accurate [RDDT] Kotha
29,016 50% 1,493
8,864 50% 1,475
Dragonfantasma [BANDS] QUIERO MI ORO
19,095 51% 1,458
matheus_Lord_Dark [N0M0D] ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
15,900 50% 1,451
_DeusVult [DUCHE] Blitz
15,829 49% 1,413
AceNikhil [RDDT] Kotha
58,047 51% 1,410
Kondor17 [H-E-F] !cbl5
18,612 52% 1,361
_Camaleaoninja___ [KONOW] ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
25,490 49% 1,278
Justiceiro79 [_300_] strong
55,752 50% 1,248
nobiiziinhoo_1 [RT_66] Rot66
17,549 46% 1,227
Total: 76

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