Tournament - 6v6: Mastery Bracket

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: May 14, 2022; Accepted Teams: 18 (Total: 35)
Map: Prokhorovka
Battle Mode: Attack/Defense
Start: May 14, 2022
Average WN8: 2,207
Total: 125
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
GalaxyGay мы не русские
94 67% 9,495
Alucard_BTW [N0M0D] N0M0D
2,178 63% 6,522
uwudracarys [CRAKD] мы не русские
573 67% 4,995
Magnan____ [GIVUP] мы не русские
10,581 65% 4,977
Anarchy___ [GIVUP] fart
5,959 67% 4,658
VovaUkrainian [MAHOU] мы не русские
26,304 67% 4,374
IZZY_Impact [FINES] Lads on tour
2,632 62% 4,171
MountNamberWan [N0M0D] Super Machine
1,970 60% 3,778
CrimsonRedLineSniper [JUDG] Los Horses Immudos
15,919 65% 3,692
DarkNinja_ [CRAKD] Str8 Outta Basement
35,705 61% 3,591
Twyder [N0M0D] N0M0D
7,508 59% 3,494
John_The_Terrible [CRAKD] Str8 Outta Basement
38,259 62% 3,481
O_P_Hacker [CRAKD] Str8 Outta Basement
43,907 65% 3,378
4,271 58% 3,364
Sstardust [N0M0D] Super Machine
1,879 59% 3,364
14,250 60% 3,282
_N3ptune_ [NG4ME] Universe_
12,570 61% 3,274
Black_Ryse [TOD4Y] Universe_
5,191 60% 3,183
Decembear [CRAKD] Str8 Outta Basement
32,203 61% 3,160
thewitchdoctor_1 [LYSA] the bolty bois
33,313 62% 3,058
Flooky_ [GIVUP] Str8 Outta Basement
28,007 60% 3,016
TryHARDChuck [N0M0D] N0M0D
13,673 59% 2,994
MeIIy [GIVUP] мы не русские
20,912 59% 2,989
TastyPastry [LYSA] the bolty bois
35,995 59% 2,971
FartBoy__BingChiLing fart
31,938 58% 2,966
BushW4nker [VILIN] the bolty bois
2,759 65% 2,957
SNK_Galliard [X-7] Universe_
9,788 57% 2,907
Demonic671 [MAHOU] the bolty bois
33,478 60% 2,900
_G4BR1EL_ [N0M0D] N0M0D
47,350 56% 2,874
UrWaifusFuelMyWN8 [XO] the bolty bois
61,592 59% 2,872
Malassombro [N0M0D] N0M0D
45,310 57% 2,840
_T4RGET_ [N0M0D] Super Machine
14,563 58% 2,833
mauri_nalbarte 6v6~OPEN~MASTERS~T10
7,111 54% 2,826
_S1lver [4HIM] Averagesteppesthrow
2,058 60% 2,817
RatZ1LLa [SUS] UrMad
12,306 67% 2,815
Starick [N0M0D] Super Machine
65,175 58% 2,797
Tombs_ [N0M0D] N0M0D
38,054 61% 2,797
27,278 58% 2,773
thehobostrangle [GIVUP] fart
24,147 60% 2,714
Shadow__xXx [MAHOU] Universe_
47,347 60% 2,692
Floppy___ [GIVUP] fart
22,536 59% 2,644
Blaise45 [CRAKD] Los Horses Immudos
19,123 57% 2,541
Ruev_FreeUkraine [SUS] UrMad
2,503 61% 2,532
ShireiKan_ExcalibuR [N0M0D] Super Machine
59,523 58% 2,526
Mithrandir____ [NG4ME] Universe_
35,962 56% 2,518
chase_onion [CRAKD] Str8 Outta Basement
40,310 56% 2,486
Marcel1ne [SUS] UrMad
23,155 56% 2,463
RoyalGreenPC [YOUJO] Team1
28,068 57% 2,462
Crazy_Horse84 [NUFFS] Team1
13,654 56% 2,410
CADerecho [NUFFS] Team1
34,108 55% 2,367
Total: 125

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