Tournament - 1v1: Tanks After Dark

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: December 31, 2021; Accepted Teams: 372 (Total: 379)
Map: Murovanka
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: December 31, 2021
Average WN8: 1,470
Total: 372
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
CoffeeTea CoffeeTea
7 71% 5,805
StarvingSomalian [TINDR] ___EXALUTION
2,400 64% 5,222
17,356 69% 4,470
BENGARO_Krmelec [CZ4R] Osss
1,038 65% 4,308
912 62% 3,766
_Serbian [YOUJO] Ultras
31,698 60% 3,706
_S1lver [4HIM] Explit
706 62% 3,648
Griffon456 HR_Puff'NStuff
4,689 60% 3,637
Chocolatebar_ [TEACH] vnbvnv
12,058 61% 3,505
xXx_ALPHA_xXx [AUDIT] 10ocupados
2,981 64% 3,379
Pa_Xionzz [TOD4Y] God eater
1,125 64% 3,220
destro19 [YOUJO] fghfgh
21,368 58% 3,045
ArcaMonster asdfg
893 58% 2,962
TastyPastry [GIVUP] dfasdf
35,084 59% 2,944
riseglory [SUS] nomnomnom
32,847 58% 2,911
Supernova_Fanboy [CLASS] 234324
3,726 61% 2,886
Training_account_h4rd [C-I-S] Myp_BONG
14,280 60% 2,827
Demonic671 [MAHOU] GOUDA
32,136 60% 2,827
Ramon_105 [RAIZ] _105
13,624 59% 2,812
5,681 57% 2,809
_MAHOU___ [RAIZ] ___GG
999 56% 2,802
Diego_Rebelde [B34RS] Hermanos de Sangre
18,537 58% 2,800
Jagdpizza [AFTTE] pizza
5,903 60% 2,774
LBshadow [4HIM] Ken Kaneki
1,854 54% 2,759
Shadow__xXx [MAHOU] _xXx_
47,339 60% 2,696
MarcoutArcani [S-A-R] Viejo Lesbiano
24,885 57% 2,651
RedBullba [SIMP] green+
50,545 57% 2,633
Empathetion [FISH-] HeavyBreathing
5,680 54% 2,605
Mythbuster24_46 [GO4T] Mythalicious
25,224 56% 2,541
Oosa [RELIC] no u
34,613 58% 2,536
Tank_Jackin [0RE0] GetGoldOrDieTrying
52,359 57% 2,525
C_i_ [OPIC] NoobTeam
12,126 57% 2,485
Griffon455 PeeWee_Hymen
5,891 57% 2,483
thunpro [TOD4Y] hellfish
5,185 55% 2,477
BrowerCH [AUDIT] 10% Skill / 90% RNG
21,950 55% 2,474
TacoStorm_ op hacker
8,052 59% 2,406
PatoThe [SAS-] CreepyCrawlies
20,865 54% 2,403
BlackSwan [RDDT] ‮‮‮‮‮‮‮
54,852 55% 2,337
vp_hohloed [POPN] hohloed
16,145 55% 2,327
sanyi021 [HUNK] Asanyy
42,009 55% 2,299
43,561 59% 2,297
SNPAI_Caucaz_Amazing [T_K_O] MOD WIN ON
1,130 52% 2,293
Griffon458 Sloba_Za_Knobbin
1,997 55% 2,279
32,808 56% 2,278
InfiniteSingularity [FNWG] Perfidious Albion
63,075 55% 2,267
V0R1Z0 [SH33P] your dad's house
10,292 56% 2,249
PattonSteel [HPYHR] Andrew
2,084 57% 2,241
__WarChild__ [OPIC] Apex Predator
47,370 58% 2,226
Komatsu77 [L4ST] Force
6,995 53% 2,216
HowToTrain22BabyDragons [RDDT] Training Dragons
26,930 57% 2,212
Total: 372

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