Tournament - 3v3: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: November 16, 2021; Accepted Teams: 65 (Total: 90)
Map: Steppes
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: November 16, 2021
Average WN8: 1,575
Total: 197
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
BENGARO_HolyToxxx [CZ4R] PřepalosBENGAROcikán
347 69% 5,053
BENGARO_Krmelec [CZ4R] PřepalosBENGAROcikán
758 65% 4,172
CrimsonRedLineSniper [JUDG] Cocô de bebê
15,335 65% 3,652
R1_KO_INSANE [X-7] God eater
1,558 65% 3,646
Lasky_ [NG4ME] KiipOP
5,636 59% 3,617
Suh_Mantics [CRAKD] What is the meaning?
16,459 62% 3,424
_okap_ PřepalosBENGAROcikán
763 66% 3,401
LEP_ASI [S-A-R] Alpha Group
5,753 65% 3,335
Jim_Halpert_ La Cura
10,449 66% 3,310
Hasu7 [GIVUP] What is the meaning?
30,707 62% 3,307
Brotis [JUDG] Cocô de bebê
24,250 64% 3,071
Dante_224 [NG4ME] Por el oro :)
7,887 56% 3,051
ethanstriker [KINDA] RatTaco
23,797 58% 3,025
_SungJinWoo_ [NG4ME] KiipOP
7,691 57% 2,965
Pa_Xionzz [X-7] God eater
675 63% 2,955
TastyPastry [GIVUP] ‍‍‍‍
34,992 59% 2,951
_Wolftron [BABNS] Excelleon
6,489 61% 2,928
Training_account_h4rd [C-I-S] Myp_BONG
14,188 60% 2,890
UrWaifusFuelMyWN8 [-G-] ‍‍‍‍
58,579 59% 2,810
Demonic671 [MAHOU] ‍‍‍‍
31,357 59% 2,764
Eeveelutions [HOMI] steppes on ur mom
23,797 57% 2,754
Shadow__xXx [MAHOU] _xXx_
47,284 60% 2,711
RedBullba [SIMP] green+
49,494 57% 2,624
LightningTheef [PHASE] Lets Get It
16,900 56% 2,580
BushW4nker [VILIN] ‍‍‍‍
1,694 62% 2,491
Jhumelz [L3GND] Excelleon
6,155 60% 2,467
John_Metal_ [NG4ME] God eater
33,883 56% 2,437
BrowerCH [AUDIT] Curral
21,359 55% 2,411
natosinho [_LHI_] Life Is Daijobu
9,389 53% 2,354
160,407 57% 2,348
13,183 56% 2,333
Doomsday__ [4ORCE] Cocô de bebê
26,595 56% 2,330
Chrlie [B00BA] steppes on ur mom
13,504 57% 2,326
Lichta [SIMP] Meme Team
62,220 56% 2,317
Senpai_Of_Jungle [TEACH] Life Is Daijobu
18,701 55% 2,299
PatoThe [SAS-] Alpha Group
20,146 54% 2,291
jonr_stern_2021 [0RDEM] 100%Fodastico_ggeasy
2,277 47% 2,244
MiC_GoTaViRuS [PHASE] ‍‍‍‍‍‍
61,966 56% 2,214
Marrano_Kun__0_0ll [L4ST] _xXx_
14,424 56% 2,199
FuzzyPsycho [SY_KO] shittery
12,283 56% 2,145
Caveman1224 [NUFFS] ‍‍‍‍‍‍
101,860 54% 2,136
forgivensmoke [SQUAL] smoke open 6k pr min
29,786 54% 2,112
BOGEZ [HOMI] steppes on ur mom
19,558 54% 2,105
157 69% 2,077
ducanh_507 [OPIC] ‍‍‍‍‍‍
41,036 55% 2,065
Astatine [OTTER] washed up
24,549 55% 2,062
Dika_NA [PHASE] Lets Get It
30,303 55% 2,053
Coelho_Zueira [OURO-] YNTRUDER
31,648 53% 2,048
Admiralbone [REL-2] Derps
15,582 53% 2,046
Krown [RDDT] The cooch punchers
19,536 57% 2,045
Total: 197

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