Tournament - 1v1: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: October 06, 2021; Accepted Teams: 422 (Total: 429)
Map: Cliff
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: October 06, 2021
Average WN8: 1,387
Total: 422
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
BailesNoBezmiega [MAHOU] Bailes
1,488 70% 5,769
12 67% 4,994
299 69% 4,916
MIKHMI8 Russian_M_bear
770 57% 4,276
Havaian [DIOS] xxxxxx
1,625 61% 4,217
YUP_HACKS_aka_JUST [GO4T] hacks
13,712 69% 4,122
211 74% 3,902
BENGARO_Krmelec [CZ4R] Pล™epalos
367 65% 3,789
TETANO_ [HUMO] One For The Team
12,702 65% 3,662
Griffon456 [25CDN] Hu_Flung_Poo
4,109 59% 3,429
5,192 65% 3,351
Dotar_Soyat [YOUJO] John Carter
15,921 59% 3,285
Mozart_Moises [RC2BR] RCBBR - RC2BR
678 53% 3,278
SemenUp asdfg
794 59% 3,031
TastyPastry [GIVUP] โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€
34,909 59% 2,949
Training_account_h4rd [C-I-S] anti_HACKS
13,891 60% 2,895
riseglory [5HTTR] nomnomnom
32,114 58% 2,883
_Danny__ [PIXL-] Danny
11,195 55% 2,840
goodfunman_V2_TourneyPro [ALARI] A Team Flash
691 60% 2,835
_SlacKing_ [GO4T] 4e4n9
19,601 61% 2,785
Ramon_105 [3-FPS] _105
13,077 59% 2,776
Diego_Rebelde [B34RS] Hermanos de Sangre
18,043 58% 2,765
_Wolftron [BABNS] Excelleon
6,208 60% 2,730
Shadow__xXx [MAHOU] _xXx_
47,284 60% 2,716
RedBullba [SIMP] RedBullBa
48,956 57% 2,611
russian_scum [OTTER] russ scum
35,029 56% 2,605
Empathetion [CURSD] HeavyBreathing
4,801 54% 2,579
Oosa [RELIC] no u
34,034 58% 2,543
DiegoSotoMD [X-7] DieGo
7,470 52% 2,514
_Rubber [RDDT] Free Win for you
19,144 57% 2,498
x_White_Angel_x [OPIC] FaKaFa
4,691 59% 2,486
Jhumelz [L3GND] Exceleon
5,836 60% 2,478
13,340 57% 2,462
AcesHighMDP [YOUJO] Blah
50,361 62% 2,428
thunpro [XTREM] hellfish
4,039 55% 2,424
K_I_N_G_B_O_O_M [FELIX] True Pepega
27,985 57% 2,415
BrowerCH [AUDIT] 10% Skill / 90% RNG
21,141 55% 2,396
_God_of_war_Rudy102_2020 [HACK1] -----
4,179 58% 2,394
John_Metal_ [X-7] Exxon
33,288 56% 2,386
GeneraL_MAKENZY_07 [-TRD-] santana_
9,333 53% 2,371
Feisl feisl
11,648 56% 2,356
DrapsM [CRAKD] drapsmTTV
29,680 57% 2,347
Zargeras_VI [-TRD-] Zargeras
14,773 57% 2,292
14,883 56% 2,290
Jorge_50 [XTREM] ๐ŸŽฎ WOT ๐Ÿ•น
7,799 53% 2,259
InfiniteSingularity [FNWG] Rabia
62,108 55% 2,239
__Fro__ [CRAKD] Froyo
18,333 54% 2,229
MiC_GoTaViRuS [PHASE] Ouch!!
61,307 56% 2,199
13,875 55% 2,197
__WarChild__ [OPIC] BourbonBreath
46,056 58% 2,190
Total: 422

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