Tournament - 1v1: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: August 31, 2021; Accepted Teams: 530 (Total: 537)
Map: Cliff
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: August 31, 2021
Average WN8: 1,341
Total: 530
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Bamf_Kyb0 [LOAD] ggggggg
368 63% 4,647
MountNamberWan MountNamberWan
210 63% 4,018
Alejo_o7 [X-7] -----------------
3,112 62% 3,894
T1o__Sam [X-7] ton4
8,964 61% 3,788
Lasky_ [XTREM] _7w7_
3,782 61% 3,641
4,543 66% 3,540
Mozart_Moises [RC2BR] RCBBR 2
350 51% 3,467
Griffon456 [25CDN] Boogedy_Boogedy_Boo
3,890 59% 3,330
_Tomate__ [XTREM] Name
4,956 56% 3,324
Lichta__ [SIMP] Meme Team
6,813 63% 3,319
R1_KO_INSANE [X-7] ‮‮‮‮
737 67% 3,124
Don_Osvaldo asdfg
607 60% 3,029
TastyPastry [GIVUP] sdfs
34,838 59% 2,948
KekoJoness [GIVUP] 25% RNG
31,411 59% 2,934
S_4_R_G_E [HACK1] Brrp
4,420 56% 2,930
_SungJinWoo_ [_2D2_] gaaaa
7,259 56% 2,916
Training_account_h4rd [C-I-S] Myp_
13,848 60% 2,894
Sr_Meeseeks [N0M0D] LOOK AT MEEEE
4,572 57% 2,881
riseglory [SUS] nomnomnom
31,571 58% 2,854
TingTing_Zhang [-NHL-] Chole
5,355 54% 2,819
_Danny__ [PIXL-] Danny
10,585 55% 2,814
Diego_Rebelde [S-A-R] Hermanos de Sangre
17,711 58% 2,756
Ramon_105 [3-FPS] _105
12,663 59% 2,736
_Wolftron [IMSS] Excelleon
6,017 60% 2,704
DaShagger [4ORC2] Shagger
7,575 61% 2,687
The_King_Simba [_2D2_] The_King
8,484 57% 2,643
RedBullba [SIMP] БабаЯга
48,221 57% 2,594
_O_R_I_O_N_ [GOFD] 100DEDO
2,117 56% 2,571
Oosa [RELIC] no u
33,947 58% 2,541
12,545 57% 2,502
Jhumelz [IMSS] Exceleon
5,610 60% 2,494
_Corpse [X-7] Korps
54,626 56% 2,477
RoyalGreenPC [YOUJO] THANOS 2020
27,747 57% 2,450
TargetHunterEX [CANO] Canudo
9,392 56% 2,355
thunpro [_2D2_] hellfish
3,526 54% 2,340
Doomsday__ [4ORCE] DOOM
26,301 56% 2,313
tankcraft07 [CTGS] 174th MI Co
4,124 52% 2,297
GeneraL_MAKENZY_07 [-TRD-] santana_
8,402 53% 2,295
elite_commando [NOMOD] removearty
22,632 59% 2,287
Zargeras_VI [IMSS] Zargeras
14,707 57% 2,285
cykabutler WaterDoggy
4,673 57% 2,266
_Pakm_ [-IPA-] paaaaaak
17,234 56% 2,231
InfiniteSingularity [FNWG] UnleavenedKevin
61,557 55% 2,227
lamplight blue turret
27,146 55% 2,204
DR_J3RK0V [G-G-] Team Name
6,373 58% 2,187
__WarChild__ [OPIC] BourbonBreath
45,578 58% 2,179
Jellytoad [MAHOU] losingPoV
35,353 55% 2,160
_Berlin [YAROU] tumamaes-un-travesti
5,208 56% 2,148
TomasDemichele_on_bush [S-A-R] mikabezona
11,648 56% 2,145
Marrano_Kun__0_0ll [L4ST] ██████████
13,192 56% 2,134
Total: 530

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