Tournament - Stand-To 2.26.16 - Team

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: February 26, 2016; Accepted Teams: 75 (Total: 106)
Map: Siegfried Line
Battle Mode: Encounter
Start: February 26, 2016
Average WN8: 1,094
Total: 354
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Mad_Bullerman [OTTER] Awkward Turtles
32,940 60% 3,190
TankCrusherX [OTTER] Awkward Turtles
35,774 60% 2,777
165 62% 2,631
LegendaryStunJR iplay
6,435 58% 2,592
Flawfulgamer Trump Did Jeb Bush
3,426 59% 2,547
O_P_Hacker [STAKD] Awkward Turtles
14,943 66% 2,546
_I_LOVE_POGO_ [AGHUN] √Les Concombres√
2,375 59% 2,461
CptBastidas [REALS] !!✮✮[NOOOB]✮✮!!
4,287 57% 2,433
xxLA_MUERTExx ++++++++++
139 59% 2,301
seenothing [NEWBI] last stand
17,183 59% 2,262
Loku_MyslymShyri [CRIMZ] Albanian Mafia
585 61% 2,253
Zercin [M0] Awkward Turtles
34,846 57% 2,233
ldcaligiuri [S-A-R] 220 PING THX WG
18,941 55% 2,120
Splatmaster42G [SVG] THE SEAL CLUB
8,429 56% 2,098
_ButterToast_ [AR-PA] dennysplatesdropers
5,937 55% 2,074
Her_Magestys_Royal_Kiwi [-DIG-] -DIG-
2,090 55% 2,063
Striker1098 [ICED] ICED Cold
15,560 55% 2,055
Xylify [FUZN] The Walking Baby
10,428 56% 2,027
sanyi021 [HUNK] !FOCUS!HALJON!
26,176 54% 2,004
Fuzzyface102 [FUZN] The Walking Baby
16,795 56% 1,986
vengadordelosmuertos !✮✮[NOOOB]✮✮!
18,411 57% 1,946
Sugar1942 [S-A-R] 220 PING THX WG
27,443 55% 1,937
_MoDouu_PanzerVor_MiHo last stand
13,244 55% 1,926
Jabkata [STAKD] Awkward Turtles
30,409 58% 1,916
LeeHokage [XPX] Team Rocket
18,773 54% 1,899
almz777 [NEWBI] last stand
26,284 55% 1,882
tannapabi [STAKD] iplay
27,354 53% 1,827
McBosch [LINCN] Buk Lao
27,634 57% 1,823
burnemup [RS] Ravenous DoJo
48,840 55% 1,801
Bsan77 [CRGE] Welfare
8,445 55% 1,798
Mythary [PBKAC] Buk Lao
10,641 58% 1,782
rabidrabit [HITMN] iplay
31,235 55% 1,777
_Morfi_ [R_P] _13yo_Gangstahs_
2,249 60% 1,776
1,296 69% 1,758
DJTrump_2016 [SIMP] Trump Did Jeb Bush
21,853 52% 1,750
Baby_Thot [FUZN] The Walking Baby
17,925 53% 1,745
UnderageSamurai [WONKA] AAA
7,201 54% 1,737
GMZbest [NEWBI] last stand
14,361 54% 1,733
muscles1 [4HIM] Shuffleboard Best Sport NA
22,689 53% 1,723
ksuryateja2008 THE SEAL CLUB
35,042 56% 1,722
XxGiulianoxX [SATBR] SATBR
31,151 52% 1,715
Firepoint [4HIM] Shuffleboard Best Sport NA
43,574 53% 1,711
_Saori_Takebe [ENA] √Les Concombres√
24,013 53% 1,709
Angel_de_la_Muerte20 [REALS] !!✮✮[NOOOB]✮✮!!
16,010 54% 1,689
Kleitus [REALS] !✮✮[NOOOB]✮✮!
14,093 54% 1,674
Snap_hit [HOODZ] HellonWheels
4,922 55% 1,663
Duramax_55 [N0VA_] iplay
11,442 54% 1,657
Phonecase Trump Did Jeb Bush
7,510 54% 1,655
anonymous17 [REALS] !!✮✮[NOOOB]✮✮!!
7,548 54% 1,652
taliz [S-A-R] 220 PING THX WG
22,111 53% 1,648
Total: 354

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