Tournament - 5v5: Mastery Bracket

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: February 20, 2021; Accepted Teams: 59 (Total: 92)
Map: Prokhorovka
Battle Mode: Attack/Defense
Start: February 20, 2021
Average WN8: 1,708
Total: 342
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
8,792 61% 5,548
_ZeroAbility [MAHOU] FHS_
462 66% 5,233
C_bastian_ [CRAKD] team flare
2,323 73% 5,130
_Alucard_Hellsing [8BITS] lIlIlIlIlIlIlIl
11,568 61% 4,432
Dukki [8BITS] lIlIlIlIlIlIlIl
7,804 62% 4,288
VovaUkrainian [MAHOU] FHS_
22,214 66% 4,172
_BaeSuzy [P4ND4] we WIN these SIKEEEE
9,199 65% 4,071
Totally_NotABot Team of Zhitters
5,051 63% 3,800
Tinder_Legend_Anakin [GIVUP] Cute Boi Squad
33,819 62% 3,649
CrimsonRedLineSniper [JUDG] whatisrng
13,983 65% 3,530
The_Levi_Criminal [RELIC] G4R3L4
4,266 62% 3,508
31,047 60% 3,434
_Stellar we WIN these SIKEEEE
1,397 62% 3,388
Purple_Lives_Matter [VILIN] Danny's Boys
15,117 62% 3,293
39,094 65% 3,169
flexAIR [CRAKD] we WIN these SIKEEEE
32,351 60% 3,167
43,158 59% 3,162
_NikoChiiaN 0T4KUS__o_0II
14,567 59% 3,070
Twyder [8BITS] lIlIlIlIlIlIlIl
5,612 59% 3,067
raha_evgen [KOZAK] KOZAK
14,841 59% 3,058
bloop_really_heckin [GIVUP] team flare
66,069 59% 3,008
kaiky_01 [GRL] IMUNE
2,518 57% 2,983
MrBanjoMan_ [GIVUP] team flare
32,300 60% 2,981
Decembear [CRAKD] Unlikely Heroes
28,863 60% 2,969
Training_account_h4rd [C-I-S] RakNaTanke
13,098 60% 2,955
Abimadiel [_2D2_] new__
4,422 56% 2,936
Flooky_ [GIVUP] team flare
26,299 59% 2,906
Zireael__ [MAHOU] FHS_
33,057 59% 2,906
Kill_Bad_Tanks [KOZAK] KOZAK
25,460 64% 2,895
5HAK4 [S-A-R] Perseverance
3,921 56% 2,887
__Cold_ [CRAKD] Unlikely Heroes
17,304 58% 2,876
DarkWarrior_XDD [B34RS] Hermanos de Sangre
5,944 58% 2,859
deli_sandwich_is_ [CRAKD] Unlikely Heroes
25,878 59% 2,848
TryHARDChuck [8BITS] lIlIlIlIlIlIlIl
12,464 59% 2,838
trollyourfamily [NERV] 666666
13,131 60% 2,818
llIFAKER [_2D2_] Memes Br
34,579 58% 2,795
20,378 59% 2,792
_Hector__ [GIVUP] team flare
44,691 57% 2,780
Sycoticz [RELIC] WorstTeam in Bracket
43,185 58% 2,751
Ali_The_Persian_Dude [CRAKD] GAMER_TIME
25,823 56% 2,746
MelanchoIy [GIVUP] FHS_
17,510 58% 2,735
Shadow__xXx [MAHOU] 0T4KUS__o_0II
47,106 60% 2,731
L0rdB0b [HACK1] 1234567890.
3,999 57% 2,676
Diego_Rebelde [B34RS] Hermanos de Sangre
14,681 57% 2,656
KAST477 [-TRD-] 1234567890.
4,996 61% 2,643
Floppytacos__ [GIVUP] GAMER_TIME
22,392 59% 2,641
Channel4News_Brick [JOB] we WIN these SIKEEEE
3,589 62% 2,640
IRon999 [RELIC] WorstTeam in Bracket
30,429 56% 2,633
BlueFlyDigger [NEWBI] 666666
13,788 60% 2,631
Parize [TRON] TeamNoScam
1,982 56% 2,631
Total: 342

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