Tournament - 1v1: Challenger Bracket

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: November 15, 2020; Accepted Teams: 704 (Total: 719)
Map: El Halluf
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: November 15, 2020
Average WN8: 1,333
Total: 704
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
RaiseOnce [PHASE] ‮‮‮‮‮
7,023 66% 4,036
Hold_My_Bear [VILIN] Hold_My_Bear
3,071 59% 4,015
Killstealer__ [STAKD] Marian Czarnowodzian
30,642 62% 3,465
Noob__Player [DLB] Raul Perez
274 65% 3,407
CrimsonRedLineSniper [CZ4R] Not a no show
11,934 64% 3,400
SoLo_JeffY_Hu3 [8BITS] ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
5,389 63% 3,153
_H4rdCore__Myp_Myp_Myp_ [C-I-S] H4RD
11,353 60% 3,119
Ramon_105 [3-FPS] _105
8,165 59% 3,115
ApokalypsePanzer [THUGZ] Apoka
12,375 63% 3,108
TastyPastry [-G-] yoloswag420
33,351 59% 2,992
m_lin_1983 [NEWBI] Anastasia
12,053 62% 2,973
Pollenz [CAVY] Pogosin
44,137 64% 2,952
BaljKa_mN [RELIC] gggg
40,896 58% 2,901
alphanascimento [8BITS] 10ocupados
1,887 63% 2,880
GimmeDatFreeTank [RC457] GimmeDatFreeTank
10,232 58% 2,808
90210_Hero Bad Game REEEEEEEE
49,850 57% 2,788
CrazyStranger [TRY] Epta
370 63% 2,783
Shadow__xXx [MAHOU] _xXx_
46,837 60% 2,735
adelisiron [_2D2_] _F_F_
1,255 58% 2,724
6,414 58% 2,705
3,204 59% 2,644
Diego_Rebelde [B34RS] Hermanos de Sangre
13,337 58% 2,632
los_vengadores [_M3_] el_Vengador//
42,818 57% 2,607
PriMalEnergy [CZ4R] One Energy
52,675 56% 2,573
L0rdB0b [HACK1] LordB0b
1,570 58% 2,570
Mamkin_Hero [KOZAK] ......
66,660 57% 2,551
Andre2123dk [S-A-R] I WANT YOU
27,261 57% 2,478
Structural [GIVUP] reee
32,197 57% 2,462
MagusArcanus [TEACH] Magus
13,374 58% 2,435
RoyalGreenPC [YOUJO] THANOS 2020
26,191 57% 2,430
_S_A_M_B_U_U_ _S_A_M_B_U_U_
6,484 57% 2,422
Tank_Jackin [CLIQ] GitGold
47,334 57% 2,421
_Pakm_ [-IPA-] dgffgdgdfgfdg
16,526 56% 2,412
Ferret_FastFarming_OnTop [FINES] MONKEY
22,282 56% 2,393
KKnispel [PL1AD] Basement Presidente
84,512 60% 2,383
5,775 56% 2,368
RedBullba [C-I-S] БабаЯга
40,405 57% 2,364
mahdi_bam [PARS] death notebook
6,878 57% 2,356
ro_gunner [RO-TD] roGunner
44,021 56% 2,335
Presidente0w0 [4-K] asdasdasdasdasd
20,348 55% 2,321
Persian_Sniper Persian Sniper
1,106 54% 2,309
Oriondfmr [S-A-R] Doritos
35,507 56% 2,302
27,708 56% 2,301
__Synthetic [X-7] Synth
45,163 55% 2,291
ThePcMafiaToo DFSDF
66 64% 2,276
AlejitoCoL [4-K] AlejitoCoL
34,228 57% 2,267
Demonic671 [-G-] GUAMBOMB
23,442 57% 2,266
44,505 56% 2,252
jessthemess [PHASE] inyourwildestdreams
30,645 56% 2,246
AmaneSuzuha_ [-MOE-] Down with Capitalism
50,247 57% 2,245
Total: 704

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