Tournament - 1v1: Tanks After Dark

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: August 21, 2020; Accepted Teams: 729 (Total: 742)
Map: Sand River
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: August 21, 2020
Average WN8: 1,384
Total: 729
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Raptor_Rick_V2 Raptor
14 57% 5,984
_Danny__ Danny
527 53% 4,569
RaiseOnce [TRY] ‮‮‮‮‮
4,779 67% 4,238
mauri_nalbarte [IUWUI] bubl1
2,845 60% 4,225
Bunny_Wabbit [4ORCE] Rabbit Hole
2,005 67% 4,091
gipiampa07 [_2D2_] 2d2 equipo negrorf
106 59% 3,795
_Cuche [-G-] 113 A
5,006 61% 3,388
T1o__Sam [NAVI] asdaf
4,277 60% 3,344
Lieutenant_Lucas [VILIN] lieutenant_lucas
19,718 63% 3,316
Dr_Miyagi TS3aaa
287 58% 3,288
vPheenX [TEACH] racecar
4,299 62% 3,266
HoffmannBR [_MIB_]
2,234 60% 3,205
TAMILIAN [CZ4R] habibi
31,240 61% 3,190
SoLo_JeffY_Hu3 [LLA] 😁😁😁😁😁
4,463 62% 3,137
AdSchutzFuher [RAIZ] MariaMec
2,391 57% 3,042
KAST477 [_M3_] 1234567890.-
1,110 64% 3,014
TastyPastry [-G-] asdfads
32,956 59% 2,976
_Niko_ChaN_0w0 [LLA] _0w0
11,279 59% 2,951
Pollenz [CAVY] Pogosin
43,641 64% 2,942
Dotar_Soyat [-NCP-] Dotar
5,944 62% 2,922
KekoJoness [_M3_] 25% RNG
29,367 58% 2,874
HaYsH_Is_BacK [N0M0D] -----
3,865 59% 2,798
ClashOfTheTitans Das Reich
1,000 64% 2,795
Shadow__xXx [LLA] _xXx_
46,807 60% 2,741
m_lin_1983 [NEWBI] Anastasia
9,988 60% 2,725
5,283 58% 2,709
Diego_Rebelde [B34RS] Hermanos de Sangre
12,230 58% 2,697
RussCan_Tiger [PINGU] RussCan_Force
29,373 56% 2,620
ActofVengeance_ [RELIC] Monke
18,928 56% 2,599
DeadDotEd [ZOUTH] ! Zouth
44,928 61% 2,589
hool_ [YOUJO] sdskjdf
27,238 56% 2,576
riseglory [GOONZ] nomnomnom
25,697 57% 2,573
Sniper [VILIN] y3333333t
39,668 58% 2,567
The_Kiwi_Dude [FRI] hahahaha
26,310 58% 2,565
_Vinciguerra_ [SEGA] This again ok Karren
20,999 61% 2,554
Oosa [RELIC] kill me
31,417 58% 2,548
20,442 55% 2,528
_ren [YOUJO] manticore OP
28,599 56% 2,513
Momo_Metal__ [CLASL] Tacos de πT°
1,792 57% 2,512
fishygamer717 [CZ4R] --------------------
8,614 58% 2,512
41,033 57% 2,488
_Wretch_ [4ORCE] Wretched
5,878 55% 2,458
xX_TopRamen_Xx [FOCUS] ahhh
31,328 60% 2,456
GhostRider_9977 [RELIC] Kazik
9,275 57% 2,444
Herr_Mangat [RDDT6] Join RDDT6!
25,226 58% 2,437
Tank_Jackin [CLIQ] GitGoldOrDieTrying
46,292 57% 2,428
RoyalGreenPC [YOUJO] THANOS 2020
25,729 56% 2,417
_Pakm_ [-IPA-] paaaaak
16,526 56% 2,412
6,644 56% 2,411
kainter بلال الخوي
3,013 53% 2,395
Total: 729

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