Tournament - 2v2: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: July 21, 2020; Accepted Teams: 228 (Total: 278)
Map: Murovanka
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: July 21, 2020
Average WN8: 1,221
Total: 457
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
mauri_nalbarte [IUWUI] militar
1,815 62% 4,565
Jim_Halpert_ MERCENARIOS 88
5,574 68% 3,211
TastyPastry [-G-] yoloswag420
32,719 59% 2,970
xys182kk [NEWBI] 2 v 2
27,193 62% 2,785
Chocolino [4-K] ã¸ã‚“ãŸã„
36,077 59% 2,702
Hjkaus [DREAM] Dweam Cweam
13,123 59% 2,701
RevoElef_SAO_Rabbit [RELIC] Meatball GunGun
52,714 61% 2,515
jeferssongutierritos [IUWUI] militar
577 60% 2,477
kainter Super man 2
2,859 53% 2,442
Eason_Ni [T_K_O] djbTAdIE
31,465 58% 2,390
SlayerofMoose [NUFFS] Eraser
26,005 56% 2,341
21,128 57% 2,333
RolanTanks [4-K] ã¸ã‚“ãŸã„
25,307 55% 2,323
Rubber_Tooth_WoT [RDDT] Squad
14,225 57% 2,310
_Nebz [LOWJO] Gruppe 6
21,429 60% 2,300
Koito_Yuu [-MOE-] Seal Clubbinq
32,950 56% 2,291
Sentrie [RS] Seal Clubbinq
18,821 56% 2,288
Cochinillo [_2D2_] Mamaderas
56,847 56% 2,286
Zargeras_VI SA 7000PR
13,378 57% 2,285
Jelly_Boom [VILIN] Ay we got some пушки
24,247 57% 2,284
_verminator_ [LOAD] Hello there
33,450 58% 2,273
lsland [CLAWS] Classy Draws
57,181 57% 2,259
8_T_1 [DREAM] Dweam Cweam
14,263 59% 2,239
cello_ Zimbavve
21,589 58% 2,229
Belize_UBstudent [LOAD] Hello there
25,607 58% 2,209
InfiniteSingularity [FNWG] Cannon Fodder
56,477 55% 2,207
43,875 55% 2,129
ShadowFire22 [CHLLN] Just Chillin' Yo
46,581 57% 2,075
27,550 56% 2,056
nerazzurrini [REL-2] Ay we got some пушки
40,647 57% 2,049
_OffdutyNinja_ [CATI] Come and Take it
31,718 55% 2,048
__WarChild__ [OPIC] PandemicPanda
39,591 57% 2,016
MaverickEason [RELIC] Meatball
19,280 55% 1,993
ropitundo [R3ADY] Alagrandelepusecuca
9,758 58% 1,988
Tiger_SOBR [KOZAK] yoloswag420
67,968 58% 1,987
John_Metal_ [X-7] X-T7
23,465 54% 1,985
Damiler [_2D2_] Nos gusta el biberón
9,869 54% 1,981
Fuzzyface102 Bhu's Boos
18,239 55% 1,978
_D0N_P4L0M0_ [_2D2_] NEW__
21,566 54% 1,970
Hanke_13 [-UTE-] -UTE-
31,581 53% 1,967
Fingon15 [REL-A] Zulu Swarm
19,601 54% 1,956
Charlie_T_Tyler [PHASE] muwuvanka
9,749 56% 1,952
Spencer925 TheIncredibleHull
42,905 56% 1,951
apsen [MAZUT] Smeshariki
143,503 56% 1,949
AsTiger117 [-NCP-] Ty men
21,641 53% 1,922
Groza_69 [C-I-S] ill be back
1,844 53% 1,917
hyme2000 [RINDO] TheIncredibleHull
9,847 56% 1,914
jstafford91 [RIPD] PutPutPutPutPut
48,526 53% 1,908
igorob [RAIZ] CHOLA
7,317 53% 1,907
Lomdermas [_2D2_] Me cago en tu gfa :v
44,831 54% 1,901
Total: 457

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