Tournament - 2v2: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: March 17, 2020; Accepted Teams: 203 (Total: 265)
Map: Prokhorovka
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: March 17, 2020
Average WN8: 1,304
Total: 406
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
BOSS_PLAYER [N0CAP] Vem pro fight
2,211 59% 4,272
6,088 61% 4,065
waikin_alter [GIVUP] dyhse
16,599 64% 3,419
Totally_NotABot [ICB] Bot Lives Matter
874 61% 3,379
Hasu_Lactose_Intolerant [STAKD] dyhse
24,993 61% 3,274
Destroyer133_2016 [UWS] Batman & Robin
20,617 60% 3,227
SodiumChIoride [TRY] 13 57
11,879 62% 3,204
Haich [STAKD] Boto
27,353 63% 2,945
TastyPastry [-G-] yoloswag420
30,830 58% 2,915
iFovetoLuck [-G-] si o no
28,503 58% 2,912
Cold_Stream [-G-] yoloswag420
32,324 59% 2,858
YourLieInApril [YOKAI] asdfasdf
3,222 59% 2,853
_xXx__Shadow__xXx_ [MAHOU] _xXx_
46,472 60% 2,749
Diego_Rebelde [B34RS] Hermanos de Sangre
9,261 58% 2,718
LittlexxxxPigxxxx [GRIMY] A.O.A
47,450 62% 2,667
MomsRavioli [SUX] Corona Virus
18,566 57% 2,591
1,086 56% 2,583
Adrian_50 [KEEP] Brigada SOS
10,556 58% 2,574
los_vengadores [4-K] _xXx_
40,455 56% 2,567
Andre2123dk [S-A-R] I WANT YOU
21,566 57% 2,534
ImperatorRome [E-50M] Sahin
42,776 58% 2,501
RevoElef_SAO_Rabbit [NEWBI] big veggie chicken
50,786 61% 2,496
Hammerdown_1 [SCCH] Scorch
22,710 57% 2,446
_F4brizio___ [N0M0D] flamengo
6,250 56% 2,404
FastPewPew LittlePotatoFriends
8,137 57% 2,401
Russian_Rasputin [YOUJO] U-JO(STRONk)
26,670 55% 2,333
DRHUCK [4-K] Eu Macaco
22,289 55% 2,322
Southern_Hustler [T_K_O] southern
28,504 55% 2,313
copper00 [SIMP] Niolator
40,496 56% 2,280
Sparater [PINGU] kazoo
18,837 56% 2,248
Lichta [E50] Meme Team
57,405 55% 2,238
Goldflag get mogged
16,895 54% 2,233
RedBullba [SOYUZ] Potatarded
33,618 56% 2,229
Shell_Damage [MO-JO] MOJO
9,317 57% 2,228
gunz222 [-DTC-] kazoo
33,132 56% 2,216
Other_ShadowSniper [R-7] PARA QUE UN NOMBRE?
8,672 56% 2,215
SpaceAce [OTTER] OtterSucks
13,669 55% 2,204
SahintheFalcon [E-50M] Sahin
46,857 61% 2,198
InfiniteSingularity [FNWG] Cannon Fodder
54,897 55% 2,186
AlexZeros I WANT YOU
31,849 55% 2,183
M3rcury [F-C] Glitter_ballzes dad
22,513 57% 2,168
Petru_92 [X-7] aaaaaa
22,511 54% 2,118
40,304 55% 2,114
Moonblazer_ [ALERT] Its Corona Time
21,238 54% 2,102
51,539 57% 2,097
oliver_tumeke [-G-B] oliver
4,130 55% 2,078
DrackHero [STAKD] Boto
27,779 57% 2,059
EhDragon [420IQ] 420IqMeMeS
27,203 55% 2,036
xLegend_Killer [N0M0D] Hunter
33,381 54% 2,032
_SympliCute [PHASE] Nooo
5,067 54% 2,022
Total: 406

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