Tournament - 1v1: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: January 28, 2020; Accepted Teams: 955 (Total: 982)
Map: El Halluf
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: January 28, 2020
Average WN8: 1,323
Total: 954
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
cool_Dariusz [H_PL] cools
139,761 50% 9,433
vu1234 [E-50M] i am loser
90,872 54% 7,926
apsen [MAZUT] Fata Morgana
140,939 56% 7,856
ReedexBr [P2W] BRAZUKA
33,058 50% 6,213
Neit_ [WILDH] 200ping
1,693 67% 5,866
14,970 59% 5,864
Frost____ [_M3_] Deka_Frst
25,241 52% 5,217
mofo505 [-DTC-] mofo
47,427 49% 5,061
FC2_USNavy [ART15] Jankety Tanker
52,038 49% 4,983
boughtandsold airy
119,544 50% 4,892
tommychong [LUMPY] tommy
70,311 50% 4,878
Hanke_13 [8BITS] IRNEU
29,395 53% 4,791
ReformedPony devilgasp
171 64% 4,346
pg12_1 [4HIM] tryingtobeedgy
37,802 51% 4,179
Hide_on_Bush__ [RR-] asd1
445 69% 4,175
panzerfaust39 [FOCUS] Mish Mosh
58,631 50% 4,136
_VULCAIN_ ,,,,,
80,712 49% 4,004
zapem [BITC] Flank and Spank
29,926 50% 3,958
kelvinart [DEMSY] Solo!!!!!!
56,401 49% 3,893
crazyjoker_ [WILDH] AFKS
41,157 54% 3,677
_Anker Otro de suadero
36,810 56% 3,652
VassiliPro1994 [ARMUR] liliana
26,569 49% 3,594
opapa [_HUN_] Mores
137,250 48% 3,556
43,434 46% 3,556
AceHasNoOtherName [MAHOU] hs88
26,133 70% 3,553
Ramon_105 [RES3T] _105
1,890 59% 3,400
InfiniteSingularity [FNWG] TheNino
53,536 54% 3,351
SlyStallone Duck and Roll
35,995 48% 3,297
MrSinns [4HIM] Mr.Sinns
56,834 49% 3,269
ManuD Raider
36,193 51% 3,223
Destroyer133_2016 [UWS] destro
19,727 60% 3,220
ruizlopez [R-7] 01010101
14,890 49% 3,177
324 57% 3,115
WETW06K [-54-] werfg
31,909 50% 3,112
banban68 [COWS-] Cuy hunter
66,557 52% 3,076
Pollenz Pogosin
41,767 64% 3,035
xhippiex [BSTGN] ,,,,<>)(<>,,,,
71,710 47% 2,947
PigDogg [_DFR_] PigDogg
36,136 52% 2,924
iFovetoLuck [-G-] si o no
27,951 58% 2,918
Torquill [NUCLR] IKU2: Shenanigans
35,730 53% 2,917
TastyPastry [-G-] asdfads
30,442 58% 2,903
21,034 53% 2,898
55,173 49% 2,854
ShireiKan_ExcalibuR [RES3T] Cyka Blyat
52,743 57% 2,816
farfan2012 [C0TAB] farfan2012
32,694 50% 2,806
Cinciosky [BOWSR] Xiomi
37,692 52% 2,779
_xXx__Shadow__xXx_ [MAHOU] _xXx_
46,336 60% 2,751
Duane256 [DV] duane256
104,647 48% 2,736
AlephBax [MASK] AlephOne
38,599 45% 2,732
PFC_Dmass_USMC [O-VER] I won't win
21,815 54% 2,726
Total: 954

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