Tournament - 2v2: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: December 06, 2019; Accepted Teams: 332 (Total: 411)
Map: Lakeville
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: December 06, 2019
Average WN8: 1,278
Total: 669
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Neit_ 200ping
1,462 68% 5,959
BlackGunDoge______Hua_Q [MAHOU] tooto
11,372 64% 4,676
4,620 65% 3,855
7,450 63% 3,474
Imponderable [RS] Ruskie Parni s RS
4,260 61% 3,460
58,416 64% 3,370
_M_a_T_e_u_s_ CLOVIS
425 62% 3,322
__skytrain__tooto__Hua_Q [MAHOU] tooto
22,802 62% 3,236
29,540 61% 3,180
_Shiver [4-K] ggggg
15,126 60% 3,167
1st_Chief [MGOBI] SGAME
7,698 60% 3,129
O_P_Hacker [STAKD] Y0L0_BOTS
32,912 65% 3,094
aT1Pical___7oxic 200ping
24,392 58% 3,002
Inkv3_Gaming [HACKD] Fr-Ink 'n Lou-sers.
42,909 58% 2,933
Naproxeno_ [HUMO] HUMO
9,156 64% 2,881
lzl_CAZADOR__lzl [_M3_] IIZzzzZII
885 55% 2,792
WhiteRackHunter [CLAWS] SpurEmDown
23,934 60% 2,790
_BabyHalo_ [ALERT] ALERT is recruiting
26,529 62% 2,778
El_Panchis [S-A-R] 121212
4,015 57% 2,773
_xXx__Shadow__xXx_ [MAHOU] _xXx_
45,806 60% 2,734
I_Am_Legend [A-O-G] A.O.G MEMES ;)
25,155 60% 2,708
Diego_Rebelde [B34RS] Hermanos de Sangre
7,330 58% 2,684
Turbo_Vergin_Spazz [BULBA] Goodnight
21,194 59% 2,681
baron_rojo_24 [NEXTG] TheMancus
5,659 58% 2,669
Reformed_Polish [-NCP-] TwicReformedPolish
4,457 59% 2,650
RodrigoHeavy_ [GTT] RoRevi
6,007 58% 2,641
Insane_Lex [KOZAK] 1234
12,971 59% 2,587
22,625 56% 2,557
ExistentialCrisis_ [MAHOU] derp !!
46,553 56% 2,547
appIew0w Terminator`s
14,925 57% 2,535
TicoClicker [STAKD] PurpleTomatos
23,666 56% 2,531
los_vengadores [4-K] _xXx_
38,524 56% 2,507
AgentePM22 [MAHOU] RNG -25%
38,161 57% 2,496
Macho_Senorita [A-O-G] blue light
3,505 58% 2,429
18,283 57% 2,405
RoyalGreenPC #DonateYourOrgans☢️
24,243 56% 2,387
MegaMaxs [RS] Ruskie Parni s RS
20,520 60% 2,384
_deth_ [RELIC] Goodnight
22,936 57% 2,382
EmPain [RELIC] King Kahan
16,846 58% 2,377
comandante_001 [KEEP] Type 59
24,385 56% 2,354
warboss [FOCUS] 2v2afk
24,046 55% 2,354
7ipic0___7oxic0 [4-K] ggggg
5,841 56% 2,323
11,322 57% 2,303
__AngelOfDeath__ [STAKD] Y0L0_BOTS
45,370 56% 2,264
eXrusso [4-K] ★ U.R.S.S ★
39,373 56% 2,258
__Thunder_ [XMR] BlackThunder
25,507 56% 2,252
Xx__RuSsiaN_ScUm_____XD [VILIN] the scum
24,801 55% 2,251
sytmp [53RD] Bomb Squad
16,092 57% 2,231
WildCossac [KOZAK] WILD
14,593 58% 2,227
MovimientoNaranja [WILDH] BURRITO
44,386 56% 2,213
Total: 669

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