Tournament - On the First Day of Tanksmas...

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: December 26, 2015; Accepted Teams: 281 (Total: 452)
Map: Ensk
Battle Mode: Encounter
Start: December 26, 2015
Average WN8: 1,318
Total: 2,119
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Major_Baatar officer
15 80% 6,903
Blue_StaiN officer
5 80% 6,793
Japirona [WILDH] LosBronze
3,980 69% 5,114
Reaper_OP [WILDH] Ping 999
1,824 66% 4,132
Autistic_Walrus [-PVP-] -PVP-
3,855 66% 4,086
BailesNoBezmiega [STAKD] FASTBOIS R US
1,395 62% 3,991
PerfectStyle [WILDH] LosBronze
6,970 64% 3,668
Sp00kyScarySkeleton Pakistani Powercut Squad
5,274 65% 3,652
Rude_Awakening [SIMP] SIMP and Friends
13,100 75% 3,645
MyStatPaddingAccount [CHAI] oh god who created this team
2,352 73% 3,584
Vader_PRO [N0VA_] Blue Cheese
2,701 65% 3,471
NineInchNails TurkeyLovers
42,490 67% 3,449
I_Am_Useless [BULBA] team last minute
18,607 65% 3,441
_NuNu_183 [CHAI] TurkeyLovers
11,558 69% 3,416
0utofSight SIMP and Friends
8,168 67% 3,416
Nitts [SIMP] SIMP and Friends
19,183 67% 3,398
ogHaKo [MAHOU] Blue Cheese
17,555 63% 3,361
130 62% 3,335
ShapeShifty_Merchent [MAHOU] AM60
25,149 63% 3,321
Sheep_ [WILDH] Ping 999
6,811 64% 3,297
Cubsphere [PZMOE] Christmas Puresento
18,246 65% 3,232
Hueno [R-R-R] Playroll1
12,230 65% 3,223
eric6129 [CHAI] TurkeyLovers
17,205 61% 3,221
PhotoFinish [SIMP] SIMP and Friends
27,896 64% 3,197
_Brutal_Synergy_ Bob Saget
10,438 66% 3,183
Mad_Bullerman [OTTER] Y0L0_Hax
32,092 60% 3,164
LemmingRush [SHOJO] oh god who created this team
9,921 61% 3,129
Crimson_Corsair [SIMP] SIMP and Friends
21,044 73% 3,081
14,058 61% 3,032
Flashlin [FRI] Seekers of pleasure
9,147 64% 3,024
George412305 PLEBS
8,449 58% 3,018
Zomb1efood [VILIN] We're Really Terrible
30,724 66% 3,009
Scrublet [SHOJO] Negative 25 Percent RNG
19,187 64% 3,004
Heat_Noob [CHAI] TurkeyLovers
16,233 65% 2,977
memoryleak [BULBA] SIMP and Friends
26,572 66% 2,958
Steel_Tiger_ [M0] Bing Bang Theory
3,849 59% 2,932
absoluteBum [OTTER] team last minute
33,357 59% 2,857
Pao_sem_ovo [W-M] LoliLovers
1,156 64% 2,853
Commander_Jay [FCF] Fate's Chosen
24,441 61% 2,850
Awean [ADOBE] TurkeyLovers
10,877 62% 2,847
Nelson2011 [BULBA] oh god who created this team
26,199 62% 2,843
tooto [CHAI] Soap Must Die
16,448 61% 2,841
Todo_es_Culpa_de_FORTEC [WILDH] Ping 999
6,571 63% 2,834
Bumbleton Dashing Through the snow
20,690 60% 2,833
37,857 60% 2,832
RelicLivesDontMatter [RELIC] The Shrekoning
28,821 65% 2,831
Big_Orange [CHAI] TurkeyLovers
24,355 64% 2,812
Mr_Gordon_Freeman [FRI] Seekers of pleasure
9,098 61% 2,786
C_o_n_v_e_r_s_e [ORDER] Green Worms
4,536 61% 2,773
ZamieI [FLAR3] The Gold League Has Begun
3,639 59% 2,770
Total: 2,119

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