Tournament - 3v3: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: October 23, 2019; Accepted Teams: 167 (Total: 216)
Map: Malinovka
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: October 23, 2019
Average WN8: 1,252
Total: 502
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
3,880 65% 3,820
58,342 64% 3,369
Lieutenant_Lucas [JUMBO] Lieutenant_Lucas
15,605 62% 3,298
RegularSchnitzel [HUMO] ← 黒雪姫 →
2,974 62% 3,045
YuuOtosaka [LLA] ← 黒雪姫 →
308 60% 3,033
CptBastidas recupera3
25,354 58% 2,901
Halo__MeU [RDDT] Panzer RNG
37,728 60% 2,889
TastyPastry [-G-] золотые спамеры
29,678 58% 2,883
Naproxeno_ [HUMO] HUMO
8,499 64% 2,806
El_Panchis [WILDH] recupera3
2,767 57% 2,789
Gamr_10IQ [-ZOO-] Deathwish
17,052 57% 2,764
Munia19 [-G-] Marv
27,661 59% 2,742
_xXx__Shadow__xXx_ [MAHOU] _xXx_
45,589 60% 2,725
RoastedLemon Aggressive Moaning
39,185 59% 2,721
K03bIPb [PINGU] SayHi2YourMom4Me
5,994 60% 2,670
LittlexxxxPigxxxx [GRIMY] honor_glory
45,802 62% 2,644
levachek [KOZAK] Alpha Group
33,885 60% 2,581
EliteJimboTTV [SIMP] Exhil Is A Furry
170 65% 2,522
WhitecrowJr [DNUT] Return2Sender
64,241 57% 2,503
AgentePM22 [MAHOU] RNG -25%
38,142 57% 2,494
los_vengadores [LLA] _xXx_
37,752 56% 2,488
_DEI_ [T127S] honor_glory
15,365 57% 2,480
Error_69_Team_Not_Found [E-50M] Sahin
40,894 58% 2,470
Panzerguner [RDDT] Panzer RNG
36,505 57% 2,444
Donald_Pump [RELIC] золотые спамеры
36,320 59% 2,431
leandrox7 [DEMSY] ultima batalla
35,506 56% 2,373
Blake_WashedUp_Weeb_Of [RDDT] Panzer RNG
29,772 58% 2,288
Moa_Metal_ [LLA] todos cheveres
42,080 55% 2,266
Kanto_Legend_Fire_Type_ [CUBE] Aggressive Moaning
20,628 55% 2,251
eXrusso [LLA] Marv
39,085 56% 2,251
SahintheFalcon [RGJ] Sahin
44,473 61% 2,241
pied_piper26 [RS] Bear Humpers
37,182 56% 2,238
MovimientoNaranja [WILDH] No more WOT pls!
44,151 56% 2,212
Xx__RuSsiaN_ScUm_____XD [VILIN] Centi's Raiders
23,926 54% 2,200
RC_1140 [CLAWS] Tres Lechers
64,308 56% 2,185
Rivotril_clonazepam_2mg NOMOD
52,285 56% 2,184
alipalange [PARS] death notebook
78,383 57% 2,179
Other_ShadowSniper [LLA] PARA QUE UN NOMBRE?
6,767 56% 2,177
trondd [CLAWS] threesome
20,159 56% 2,177
_VIPER_x [CLAWS] threesome
29,513 54% 2,174
Panama07 PRO-
13,038 55% 2,172
GuizManno [_INT_] Teste
25,831 55% 2,168
Frizzled07 [RS] Bear Humpers
38,629 58% 2,147
Exhilirated [RELIC] Aggressive Moaning
18,727 54% 2,139
Apoca3110 [O-66] PANDA
17,415 56% 2,138
harol13 [_M3_] _xXx_
32,459 54% 2,134
MarianoRojas [KEEP] todos cheveres
33,749 56% 2,134
Palex10 [RELIC] золотые спамеры
34,821 55% 2,128
Champs_BR [OTTER] RNG -25%
31,201 54% 2,128
TRON_vix [GIVUP] Tres Lechers
34,464 56% 2,127
Total: 502

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