Tournament - 2v2: South American Open

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: October 23, 2019; Accepted Teams: 228 (Total: 282)
Map: Erlenberg
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: October 23, 2019
Average WN8: 1,218
Total: 461
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Dukki [LLA] Agaragã
3,859 64% 4,152
58,342 64% 3,369
KAST477 [_M3_] 1234
5,295 60% 3,314
Achromate [KOZAK] Alpha Group
2,649 60% 3,290
Halo__MeU [RDDT] poi poi
37,728 60% 2,889
TastyPastry [-G-] hello
29,682 58% 2,883
El_Panchis [WILDH] ace123
2,712 57% 2,797
Gamr_10IQ [-ZOO-] ZOO-Smok3
17,052 57% 2,764
_xXx__Shadow__xXx_ [MAHOU] _xXx_
45,589 60% 2,725
K03bIPb [PINGU] SayHi2YourMom4Me
5,966 60% 2,672
LittlexxxxPigxxxx [GRIMY] honor_glory
45,802 62% 2,644
levachek [KOZAK] Alpha Group
33,885 60% 2,581
Diego_Rebelde [B34RS] Hermanos de Sangre
6,280 57% 2,546
BigLugNuts [STRNG] hello
63,459 57% 2,505
AgentePM22 [MAHOU] RNG -25%
38,142 57% 2,494
26,658 59% 2,494
los_vengadores [LLA] _xXx_
37,743 56% 2,488
Vegeta_Ultra_Instinto [HACK1] Hermanos de Sangre
1,348 57% 2,473
baron_rojo_24 [B34RS] TheMancus
4,389 57% 2,461
Donald_Pump [RELIC] золотые спамеры
36,320 59% 2,431
leandrox7 [DEMSY] ultima batalla
35,506 56% 2,373
Panda_Kung_Fu [LLA] Agaragã
29,778 55% 2,319
52,894 57% 2,270
eXrusso [LLA] Marv
39,060 56% 2,250
Kanto_Legend_Mike [GOONZ] UwU is thewayof life
6,345 60% 2,234
AngryBaboon [OTTER] NoobsEverywhere
32,181 56% 2,228
_bahamutzero_ T.K.B
40,360 59% 2,211
DaltonRules [CZ4R] Pourquoi pas 🐒
32,534 56% 2,207
cello_ [PARS] pars
17,210 57% 2,186
RC_1140 [CLAWS] DosGuysUnWunderbar
64,308 56% 2,185
Other_ShadowSniper [LLA] PARA QUE UN NOMBRE?
6,767 56% 2,177
Panama07 Sin Comando
13,038 55% 2,172
GuizManno [_INT_] Teste
25,831 55% 2,168
13,542 55% 2,166
Jorge_CGC [LLA] asdasdasdasd
64,330 55% 2,147
Apoca3110 [O-66] borrashoqlo
17,415 56% 2,138
MarianoRojas [KEEP] aa124
33,749 56% 2,134
Palex10 [RELIC] золотые спамеры
34,821 55% 2,128
Epileptic_Monkey [ALERT] Clappin_Ch33ks
29,532 55% 2,102
Shagato T.K.B
36,995 58% 2,098
WindGhost97 [LLA] Wind of change
32,116 54% 2,096
Clonazepam_ [HUMO] SMOKE
22,867 57% 2,094
Ytai99 [RES3T] RES3T
24,956 54% 2,063
Newword [RES3T] /RES3T/
33,800 55% 2,053
nerazzurrini [FRI] HuyVam
37,072 56% 2,052
TheroN_ [RES3T] SouthAmericaUnited
18,989 54% 2,032
ShadowZero4 [OPIC] 8000 K P
24,546 54% 2,020
Flames2Live [CUBE] sweet victory
32,632 55% 2,012
Tiger_SOBR [KOZAK] Alpha Group
63,358 58% 2,004
apsen Smeshariki
139,159 56% 1,966
Total: 461

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