Tournament - 3v3: Sunday Mastery Bracket

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: August 11, 2019; Accepted Teams: 224 (Total: 308)
Map: Prokhorovka
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: August 11, 2019
Average WN8: 1,440
Total: 683
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
BlackGunDoge______Hua_Q [MAHOU] DogFight
10,589 64% 4,621
PerfectStyle [MAHOU] dgfsdf
11,506 64% 4,135
Dukki [RES3T] Cirilo puto
3,131 64% 4,112
SUTAKE MakeMemesGreatAgain
1,374 60% 3,770
2,659 66% 3,762
_RameaViejas_Jhons_ [HACKD] bots
11,784 61% 3,638
C_bastian [WILDH] tankistas latinos :D
29,991 61% 3,629
Shinja2468 [CZ4R] j'encule les pogos
14,679 63% 3,626
FoV [PINGU] Swiss Cheese
24,180 63% 3,626
HMD_MITO [PINGU] Haich s2 Afros
58,204 64% 3,362
I_xD_I [S-A-R] bots
3,150 61% 3,234
Muhammad_bin_Hasu [CUBE] #DonateYourOrgans
20,408 60% 3,137
___James [E-50M] OCEAN MAN
18,233 59% 3,079
Denial__ [LARRY] The Larry Carry
4,121 60% 3,055
BadTeams [-G-] Mehh
4,361 60% 3,027
Commander_Jay Difference
30,546 61% 3,004
Mason________offthehenny [MAHOU] OCEAN MAN
9,671 61% 2,977
Haich Haich s2 Afros
26,670 63% 2,957
lnvade [OTTER] Swiss Cheese
28,185 62% 2,943
Flooky_ [WILDH] dgfsdf
25,463 59% 2,943
EzJard [KEEP] tankistas latinos :D
23,480 60% 2,881
TastyPastry [-G-] Alpha Group
28,913 58% 2,859
Naproxeno_ [HUMO] HUMO
7,698 64% 2,795
Muhammad_bin_Sapien [CUBE] #DonateYourOrgans
33,687 59% 2,717
IronClad__ [MAHOU] Norte Americano
65,797 60% 2,699
Chairman__M3ow [ALERT] WN8 Farmers
17,417 57% 2,696
Starick [RES3T] Hunter
57,145 58% 2,658
jgseaflower [VILIN] DogFight
23,035 59% 2,656
T1T4N_16 [WILDH] recupera3
26,161 58% 2,643
1,947 59% 2,634
_Miss [LYB] Alpha Group
31,976 58% 2,613
PriMalEnergy [-G-] Mehh
48,094 56% 2,597
Mawderator [YOUJO] tog champs
16,396 58% 2,578
Sniper [YOUJO] 3v3.
38,235 58% 2,566
Tantalus43 [RDDT] Starter try-outs
22,782 58% 2,562
Hussar_PL [WILKI] ! PL
4,541 58% 2,544
Zealer [SIMP] Sensitive Socialists
42,096 58% 2,519
kan__chan [CUBE] nice meme
18,733 57% 2,509
ryanktm3 [GOONZ] -RECK
22,665 55% 2,498
AcesHighMDP [PINGU] ★ U.R.S.S ★
43,579 62% 2,490
LeMarks [-G-] Mehh
25,494 59% 2,488
Try_Again [-OGR-] Focus
26,204 59% 2,479
C7Angela [LYB] DogFight
30,729 59% 2,446
DusanSilniOP [GOONZ] 15th S-A-B / -RECK
11,384 57% 2,440
_MrSour_ [VILIN] Norte Americano
21,383 59% 2,440
IRUD74bc [S-A-B] 15th S-A-B / -RECK
11,807 57% 2,426
kasan781 [OTTER] Swiss Cheese
32,333 56% 2,421
_Starsilver_ [S-A-R] bots
13,641 55% 2,413
eraser1 [RELIC] золотые спамеры
19,303 57% 2,398
Aloha_D_Reaper [YOUJO] mclane1755
47,822 55% 2,387
Total: 683

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