Tournament - Tier V Throwdown!

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: December 01, 2016; Accepted Teams: 1983 (Total: 1985)
Map: Widepark
Battle Mode: Standard battle
Start: December 01, 2016
Average WN8: 950
Total: 1,983
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
fracturad0 [MANCO] asd1
8,943 58% 2,091
w_lener_ EL MUÑECO
7,038 56% 2,079
MetalMenace [LOYAL] zdxfdhj
3,177 58% 2,076
Godwookie [LA] 1st Kashyyk Co.
17,224 53% 2,070
Ainbo [-MNG-] Mongolia
13,739 56% 2,062
InTorchyWeTrust [E-50M] torchy
9,810 56% 2,061
_Morfi_ [UFTS] BlackThunder
8,394 59% 2,055
Loteris [PUBBY] Thelot
55,004 54% 2,053
leandrox7 empanadas team
24,793 55% 2,053
Vitalik_Kraz [UA-TD] Spider
43,910 56% 2,044
J3Tears [DPS] GLHF
2,117 55% 2,042
Ankit96 [ROLED] ELC=love,ELC=life
15,228 54% 2,029
Jameson1994 [FADED] hassak
39,569 55% 2,029
CheekiBreeki_ [FADED] aaaaaaaaaa
32,775 55% 2,018
alipalange [TURK_] War1
61,868 56% 2,016
bambarbiya_kirgudu Russo turisto
13,459 60% 2,009
DeadGalleta [-CRI-] Zulemita powa
23,336 56% 2,005
The_UnLegit_Pro [E-50M] Dank Meme Gang
8,247 56% 2,004
johnmadara [SIMP] 9+10=21golds
27,507 55% 1,998
19,644 56% 1,989
GarlicFries [PLSGO] Paul Charlton
18,495 55% 1,985
lemonator_37 [RIPD] what is this
14,738 54% 1,971
zeroxxxz [-SMB-] zero
20,705 58% 1,966
DutchBoy28 [GOONZ] lala
32,295 54% 1,962
4,394 56% 1,960
Michele9423 [MAHOU] ~POI
8,925 54% 1,957
M4C_CCCP ArhiNoob
1,445 57% 1,957
MoshiMoshiRoyMustangDesu ['4wwj,tn4.[nsnw9rxb
30,288 54% 1,952
Old__Navy_ [S-A-R] Puppy-Demon
6,062 54% 1,943
RoyalGreenPC [WILDH] #DonateYourOrgans
15,263 53% 1,942
3,639 55% 1,938
Im_The_Seeker2 [KUMA] Mittengard Sucks
30,591 53% 1,938
D_Jackson531 [-TRP-] Action Stations!
41,735 57% 1,937
Danny2462 [BCOY] Danny2462
30,474 55% 1,937
TheGrumpyFuzz [CLAWS] fuzzy
17,733 54% 1,935
RedWine_07 7777
11,180 57% 1,929
CranKextreme [LLA] 0707
23,414 54% 1,925
Exigaet [FADED] Boats 'n Hose
24,675 55% 1,918
YokoderaOtouto [WONKA] yoko
24,530 54% 1,916
KoKoSkA122 kokos
20,126 55% 1,909
Sam_087 [MAWG] Noob_Tanker
930 61% 1,898
SpaceGK [FRU] Sudsy
16,930 53% 1,897
juanchotazo [ACA] el_as_del_fratacho
45,522 54% 1,897
AxelRz [ANDES] TacoBurrito
12,298 55% 1,895
38,969 54% 1,895
Flixc16 [FMLY] Gear
20,620 53% 1,890
ThunderKick_Z [PLSGO] Succubus (♂)
19,095 56% 1,886
Angel_de_la_Muerte20 [XANAX] _123MUERETE_
24,220 54% 1,870
Corbon_HydraShock I'm your Huckleberry
3,968 57% 1,863
Nequam_ [FURHQ] nequamemes
16,532 54% 1,862
Total: 1,983

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